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Mike has a little brother. He blotted a letter from his friend. Rewrite the letter to help Mike to read it. Translate the resulting letter

Dear Mike.

Yest*day I saw your sister Natalie. She was very s*rise to know that I am a f*t-year student now. I want to tel* you about my joy. As you now two mo*hs ago I left my s*ol. I faced the dil*ma of what hi*r school to enter. When I was a child I dreamed to be a doct* and to save people’s life. Then, when my pa*s bo*t me a dog (it was bulldog Linda) I wanted to be a vet and help pets with their he*th. But my fa*r, a phar*utist, he tried to cultivate love for his prof*on. He told me that it was inte*ing for him to prepare and test new pre*on, to work in ana*ical laborat*ies, to meet new people and help sick people to improve their health. He often sh*ed me new me*cines and expl*ned their administration and co*aindications. Thus, a short while I decided to continue our family trad*on and took my papers to a selection committee of P*tigorsk State Pharmac*cal Academy. I passed my comp*tive entrance exa*ion in Chemistry, Bi*y and Russian and was admitted to the Academy. It wasn’t dif*ult for me to cope with the exams, because at school I at*ded School Scie*ic Society and often won different comp*ion in these subjects. Now I live in a hostel nu*er three and quite happy, bec*se I have got many fr*nds here. It is diff*ult but very interesting to study new subj*ts such as Org*ic Chemistry, Micro*logy, Latin and others. In five years I shall gra*ate from the Aca*y and open my own private chemist’ shop.

Sincerely yours, Jack Carton.


1. Translate the following text in written form:

2. Background analysis: explain the underlying words in English using an English-English Dictionary.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 495 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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