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Past simple active


” + Ved, 2 форма We work ed every day.

I met him yesterday.


Did ” + Vinf? Did they work every day?

Did she meet them?


did not (didn’t) + Vinf

They didn’t often visit their relatives.

She didn’t meet them yesterday.

Exercise 27: Put verbs into a right form:

1. Chemistry (begin) thousands of years ago.

2. M. Faraday (find) the nature of link between electricity and magnetism.

3. Dalton (develop) his theory between 1801 and 1808.

4. The ideas of any outstanding researchers (originate) from the periodic law.

5. These tests (conduct) in the laboratory two days ago.

6. We (discuss) the result of the experiment last week.

7. He (know) the rule by heart.

8. She (learn) the chemical reaction.

9. They (work) in the chemical laboratory the day before yesterday.

10. I (take) an active part in the research work when I (be) a student ten years ago.

11. Last year we (go) abroad.

12. Ancient people (think) of medicinal plants as of magic ones.

13. I (find out) some interesting facts about Dalton’s theory.

14. We (use) test tubes in our laboratory work.

15. Yesterday I (leave) home at eight sharp.

Exercise 28: Put the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms.

1. I studied inorganic chemistry two years ago.

2. I chose Pharmacy as my future specialty long ago.

3. We carried out our experiments in the laboratory the day before yesterday.

4. When I was a student a lived in a hostel.

5. My room-mate studied Germany.

6. We met our friend yesterday.

7. They paid much attention to chemistry.

8. Pharmacy became an integral part of medicine.

9. Serturner isolated morphine in 1806 from opium.

10. The industrial revolution of the last century gave birth to synthetic organic chemistry.

11. The dispensary assistants opened shops and became the dispensing chemists.

12. I finished the secondary school 5 years ago.

13. Last summer we collected medicinal herbs.

14. The civilization of the past contributed much to our present knowledge.

15. Yesterday after our experiments we ventilated the laboratory room.

Exercise 29: Tell the story in Past Simple Active:

Every day I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I turn my radio on and do my morning exercises. Then I have breakfast. Usually I drink tea or coffee and eat a sandwich. I leave home at eight sharp. As I live far from my Academy, I go there by bus. It takes me 30 minutes to get there.

My classes start at half past eight. I have 6 or 8 hours of classes every day. At twelve I have dinner in a student’s canteen. Usually I take soup and spaghetti. I like to do my homework in the reading hall. At 6 p.m. I visit our sport club. I play basketball very well. Then I go home.

I come home late in the evening, do some work about the house, read magazines and newspapers, watch TV. On weekends I meet with my friends. We go for a work, visit theatres or cinemas. Sometimes we go to a disco club. I go to bed at 12 o’clock.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 908 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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