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Phil: Hello Ban. Nice to see you. How are thing?
Ben: Hi, Phil, pretty good! What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?
Phil: You see, I attend a student’s scientific society in chemistry. We make various experiments, study different kinds of matter and describe the properties of liquid, solid and gas.
Ben: Oh, I see. I think it is interesting to explore how temperature affects the motion of molecules and molecular bonds.
Phil: Yes, it is very amusing to observe the behavior of the molecules, for example in solids only vibrate, in liquids, the molecules slide past each other, in gases, the molecules spread out freely.
Ben: That’s sounds impressive; can you tell me some more interesting information about it?
Phil: Oh, don’t go into detail s, if you want to know the particulars of this topic, you can join our scientific society.
Ben: How do I go about it?
Phil: I’ll inform you soon. I’ll give you a call. Sorry but I must hurry-up
Ben: Hope to see you again soon.
Phil: Great seeing you. Bye.
Exercise 7: Translate some cliché from the dialogue:
1. Nice to see you. 2. What a pleasant surprise. 3. Don’t go into detail. 4. To want to know the particulars. 5. How do I go about it? 6. I’ll inform you. 7. Hope to see you again. 8. Hurry-up.
Exercise 8: Before reading the text answer some questions:
1. What is the matter?
2. What are the different forms that matter can take (i.e. states of matter)?
3. Give your own definition of the term “matter”. Compare your answer with “English-English Dictionary”
4. In the “English-English Dictionary” find the definition of the terms: solids, liquids, and gases.
metal bar | [`metl ba:] | металлический брусок |
liquid | [`likwid] | жидкость |
shape | [`ζeip] | форма |
closely | [`kləusli] | близко |
vibrate | [vai`breit] | колебаться, вибрировать |
to slide | [``slaid] | ровный, плавный |
bleach | [`bli:tζ] | белизна |
apart | [ə`pa:t] | порознь, в отдельности |
mercury | [`mə:kjuri] | ртуть |
to fill up | [`fil λp] | наполнять |
vaporize | [`veipəraiz] | испарение |
condense | [kən`dens] | конденсировать |
thermal | [`θə:məl] | тепловой |
motion | [`məuζ(ə)n] | движение |
phase | [`feiz] | фаза |
break | [`breik] | разрушать |
bonds | [`bבnds] | связи |
steady | [`stedi] | устойчивый, прочный |
plateau | [plætəu] | стадия |
average | [`æv(ə)ridз] | средний |
Exercise 9: Before reading the text explain some words: matter, chemical and physical changes, molecule (brain-storming).
Exercise 10. Read the text.
The matter around you is made up of moving molecules in the form of solids, liquids, and gases. The form that matter takes depends on its shape and volume. Solids have a definite shape and a definite volume. The molecules in a solid are packed closely together. Although the molecules in a solid are moving, they are so close to one another that they don’t look like they are moving at all. They basically vibrate in their place. An ice cube, the table, the floor, and a metal bar are all examples of solids. A liquid has a definite volume but no definite shape. Liquid molecules are also packed closely together, but there is enough space between the molecules to allow them to slide past each other. This sliding action prevents the liquid from taking a shape of its own. As a result, liquids take the shape of the container that holds them. Some examples of liquids are water, milk, bleach, blood, and mercury (liquid metal). A gas has no definite shape and no definite volume. The molecules in a gas are spaced farther apart, and they move very rapidly. Gas molecules move to fill up the size of their container, like when you blow up a balloon. Some examples of gases are water vapor, air, carbon dioxide, ozone, and oxygen. A phase change is a change in the state of matter from one form to another.
There are four types of phase changes: melting, boiling or vaporizing, condensing, and freezing. An example of melting is when a solid changes to a liquid. When thermal energy is added to an ice cube, its molecules begin to move faster. This creates more space between the molecules and allows them to slip past each other changing the ice into water. If more thermal energy is added, the molecules in the water further increase their motion. This causes the water to boil or vaporize and turn into water vapor, a gas. Phase changes also result when thermal energy is removed from matter. When a gas such as water vapor is cooled, it condenses or changes into water, a liquid. The removal of thermal energy allows the molecules to slow their kinetic motion. As the molecules slow down, they pack more closely together and change the state of matter. Another phase change occurs when a liquid changes to a solid, or freezes. Freezing is the result of removing thermal energy from a liquid. As the molecules slow down, they pack closer together and form a solid, such as when water turns to ice.
Usually, the addition or removal of thermal energy from a substance will result in a change in the average kinetic motion of the molecules, or temperature, of the substance. During a phase change, however, the thermal energy being used to change the state of matter will not cause a change in the temperature of the substance. The energy being added or removed from the system is being used to break or form the molecular bonds holding the molecules together. As a result, the temperature will remain steady, or reach a plateau, during a phase change.
Summary: The matter is made up of moving molecules in the form of solids, liquids, and gases, there are four types of phase changes: melting, vaporizing (boiling), condensing, and freezing.
Exercise 11. Answer the following questions.
1. In what states can matter be?
2. How many states of matter are there? Can you name them?
3. What are the similarities and differences among the properties of solids, liquids, and gases?
4. What are the chemical properties of the matter? Give an example.
5. What is the smallest possible unit of a substance?
6. Can we change the shape of liquid?
7. What can you tell me about volume?
8. What can you tell me about mass?
9. What does it mean to take up space?
10. How can the properties of different matter be described?
Exercise 12. Here are the terms as to what happens when there is a change of phase on the states of matter. Guess what are the transformations occurs?
Exercise 13: You know that many English words are polysemantic. Can you find equivalents to the following words:
as a matter of course | по существу; собственно говоря |
matter of life and death | суть вопроса |
any way you slice it | не имеет значения для меня |
grey matter | это только вопрос времени |
as a matter of fact | вопрос |
doesn't matter to me | вопрос жизни и смерти |
a matter of time | поразмыслить над вопросом |
to give thought to the matter | как само собой разумеющееся |
a matter of | серое вещество (головного или спинного мозга) |
crux of the matter | как ни крути |
Exercise 14: Listen to the tape
1. Try to tell in Russian the main idea of the text;
2. What states of matter occurs in the text? What are chemical properties? What are physical properties?
3. Read the song together with the authors; try to give a short translation of it.
Physical and chemical properties,
Help to tell what matter's all about.
All you have to do is know some simple facts,
That will help you separate the two apart.
What you see, what you hear, what you smell, yeah!
That's physical, your senses tell you so.
Can you measure the matter in some way?
That's physical for sure! Oh, by the way...
Color, odor, size and state and boiling point,
Or melting point or good ole' density,
And don't forget there's also solubility,
All of these physical properties that be.
But chemical properties are different.
They help us see if substances will change,
When they meet another substance in their way.
Their atoms may decide to get all rearranged!
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Exercise 15: Work with text according to the following algorithm:
1. Read the title of the text.
2. Look through the italicized words in the text and guess the main idea of the text.
3. Read the title and try to discuss the main problem which is described in the text.
4. Look through the text and formulate the main information.
5. Prove the author’s point of you about this problem and give your own examples.
6. Compose the plan of the text.
7. Ask your groupmates some questions.
8. Tell your opinion about the information. Inform the group about some extra facts – make examples of similar facts.
9. Think and tell everybody about the benefit of the information.
10. How do you understand the title of the text?
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 2064 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!