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Exercise 16. Write a letter to the Professor T. Smith.
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Exercise 17: Before translation make a back-ground analysis: Einstein, the quantum theory, "physicalistic".
Exercise 18: Before translation study the theory of translation special terms.
Термином называется эмоционально-нейтральное слово (словосочетание), передающее название точно определенного понятия, относящегося к той или иной области науки или техники.
Терминологическая лексика дает возможность наиболее точно, четко и экономно излагать содержание данного предмета и обеспечивает правильное понимание существа трактуемого вопроса. В специальной литературе термины несут основную семантическую нагрузку, занимая главное место среди прочих общелитературных и служебных слов.
Для достижения этой адекватности должны быть соблюдены некоторые условия, зависящие как от учета признаков термина, так и от соблюдения закономерностей перевода специального текста.
Наиболее распространенными способами перевода являются нижеследующие.
1. Оптимальным способом перевода служит выявление в языке перевода эквивалента термину языка оригинала. Например: установка для очистки - refiner; контактная линия – traction line.
2. Новый термин в языке перевода может быть создан путем придания существующему в этом языке слову или словосочетанию нового значения под воздействием термина языка оригинала. Например: тепловой шум – basic noise; зародышеобразование - nucleation.
3. Если структура переводимой лексической единицы в обоих языках совпадает - это семантическая калька. Например: метод предельного равновесия – limit equilibrium method; теория пограничного слоя – boundary layer theory.
4. Если структура лексической единицы заимствуется при переводе вместе с этой единицей - это структурная калька, или собственно калька. Например: закритический зародыш – supercritical nucleus.
5. Когда в процессе перевода заимствуются и семантика, и структура, и форма (звуковой состав и написание) термина, то данный способ называется «заимствованием». Например: гетерофазная флуктация – heterophase fluctuation; плазмотрон - plasmatron.
6. В ряде случаев термин должен переводиться описательной конструкцией. Этот способ перевода применяется, прежде всего, для безэквивалентных терминов, отражающих реалии определенной страны. Например: закон Гей-Люссака – law of combining volumes; computer - электронно-вычислительная машина.
7. Термины могут также переводиться при помощи лексических трансформаций, а именно генерализации или конкретизации значений. Например: потенциальный барьер – potential energy barrier (конкретизация); тепловыделяющий элемент – fuel heat-generating element (генерализация).
Exercise 19: Find in the text the terms and explain them.
Exercise 20: Translate the text:
1. Today we know quite a bit about atoms. But how did we ever know about atoms in the first place? The earliest known concept of the atom came from the Greek philosopher Democritus (between 460 and 370 BCE). Democritus thought of the world as being composed of very tiny "uncuttable" particles, which he called atoms. These tiny, invisible particles were thought to be separated by voids-empty space. He explained differences in materials as caused by differences in the sizes of the particles and the amount of empty space between them. The ideas of Democritus provided a good foundation for the development of modern atomic theory.
2. After the death of Democritus, however, the great philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BCE) argued persuasively against the concept of atoms. Aristotle thought the earth was composed of matter, which he believed was made up of four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. He explained the differences in different types of matter as arising from the proportion, form, and qualities of the four basic elements that each type of matter contained. Aristotle's concept of matter was very different from that of today's chemists.
3. For a long time, Aristotle's ideas about matter held away in the Western world. So how did scientists get back to the idea of atoms? The concept of atoms was once again introduced to the scientific world by John Dalton in his 1808 book, “A New System of Chemical Philosophy”. Dalton put forth the concept of all matter being composed of small particles, atoms, which varied in weight and size. An element was a substance that contained only one particular type of atom. The atoms of one element are different from the atoms of any other element. The atoms of elements combine in small whole number ratios to form the many chemical compounds found on earth and in the rest of the universe.
4. All atoms are composed of a given set of subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. These particles have definite arrangements for any given element. The important thing to remember is that the protons, electrons, and neutrons of one element are exactly the same as the protons, electrons, and neutrons of any other element. It is their number and arrangement that make the elements different.
5. Today we know that atoms can be destroyed via nuclear reactions but not by chemical reactions. Also, there are different kinds of atoms (differing by their masses) within an element that is known as "isotope", but isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties. Many heretofore unexplained chemical phenomena were quickly explained by Dalton with his theory. Dalton's theory quickly became the theoretical foundation in chemistry.
Exercise 21: Work with the group - Read the text once again and find out if the information
a) True
b) False
c) The text doesn’t consist any information:
Questions | Answers |
1.John Dalton came up with his atomic model theory through the study of proportions in which chemicals combine to form compounds. | * |
2.Democritus thought of the world as being composed of very tiny minute particles, which he called atoms. | * |
3.After the death of Democritus, Antoine Lavoisier argued persuasively against the concept of atoms. | * |
4.The concept of atoms was once again introduced to the scientific world by John Dalton. | * |
5.Dalton put forth the concept of all matter being composed of small particles, atoms, which varied in weight and size. | * |
6.John’s Dalton book was “A New System of Chemical Philosophy”. | * |
7.An element was a substance that contained three particular types of atom. | * |
8.All atoms are composed of a given set of subatomic particles. |
Exercise 22: Work with the group - Read the text once again and point out the abstract number of the following sentences:
1. Democritus first suggested the existence of the atom but it took almost two millennia before the atom was placed on a solid foothold as a fundamental chemical object by John Dalton.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
2. The atoms of one element are different from the atoms of any other element.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
3. The ideas of Democritus provided a good foundation for the development of modern atomic theory.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
Exercise 23: Work with a group - Answer the questions:
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 652 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!