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Exercise 17. Identify the subject and predicate in these simple sentences. Circle the nouns in the subject and underline the simple predicate

1. You and I know the names of these kinds of flowers.

2. Frisky squirrels,tiny,jewel-like humming birds,white-tailed deer,quick little wild bunnies, and small black voles were hiding in the garden.

3. Barbara Louis and Jane Macqeen are my sister’s favorite novelists.

4. Every six weeks or so,her next door neighbors,younger cousins,and grade school classmates came over to her house for a little tea party.

5. Are the violinists and the cellists ready to begin playing the nocturne yet?

6. Three eggs,two cups of milk,a package of cheese,and chopped ham went into the bowl to make a quiche.

7. Are tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and garlic your favorite foods?

8. The telephone on the principal’s desk rang and rang and suddenly stopped ringing.

9. Several of the trees at the arboretum had leafed out already and were looking very full and beautiful.

10. The man in the brown rain coats lipped quietly around the corner and hid in a dark doorway.

11. Will you sing me a song,show me a few dance steps,and then tell me a story?

12. The girls hurried home with their packages under their arms,rushed up the steps into the family room, and dropped all the boxes on the floor in front of their mother.

13. Last week she walked in the park for several hours in the morning, had a healthy and delicious lunch with her friend in the middle of the afternoon, and then slept like a log all night long.

14. The mashed avocado,minced garlic,olive oil,balsamic vinegar, mayonnaise and lemon-flavored pepper should be blended thoroughly, whipped briefly for a light consistency, and served with warm tortillas.

15. A belted kingfisher,a robin,and a red cardinal sat on the tree branch for a few seconds and then flew away.

16. At the last minute,the melted marshmallows and the chocolate should be placed on the graham cracker, held briefly over the campfire, and eaten immediately.

17. Bright yellow daisies,purple coneflowers,orange and red milkweed,and blue forget-me-nots grew rapidly, bloomed beautifully, and reseeded themselves everywhere in her graveled garden path.

18. Every so often,wild turkeys,deer,and owls can be seen or heard in the forest preserve over by the lake.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1001 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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