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Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with the right article, where necessary

1. Suppose he should be absent in ___ spring, ___ summer, and ___ autumn.

2. Things got shabbier and shabbier ___summer after ___ summer.

3. In ____ spring and ____ summer one got on better: sunshine and long days make such a difference.

4. Time will change my love as___winter changes the trees.

5. Now she has nothing to keep her alive, and she'll be dead before___winter.

6. She had favoured me with a description of___brilliant winter she had spent in London two seasons ago.

7. Already it was___deep summer on roadhouse roofs.

8. I don't think either ___summer or harvest, or winter moon, will ever shine on their revels more.

9. ___Summer approached.

10. ___fine spring shone round me.

11. ___Summer followed ____ summer, but he was unchanged.

12. It was a very dark evening for ___summer.

13. _____ spring is the best time to start a new life.

14. Last year _____ winter was mild.

15. We are expecting ______ slushy winter this year.

16. Days in _____ summer are apt to linger.

17. Often he went without a greatcoat in _____ winter.

18. They were made in _____ winter, and it is ____ summer now;

19. "Thornfield is a pleasant place in ____ summer, isn’t it?

20. They often rode to church in ____ winter.

21. He is some brainless beautiful creature who should be always here in ____ winter when we have no flowers to look at.

22. It was a fine day, early in ____ spring, and we were in a good humour.

23. When I came back from the East ____ last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever.

24. I suppose you are a stranger in these parts, or you would have heard what happened _____ last autumn.

25. She went up to London ____ last winter with her mama.

26. ____Spring drew on: the frosts of ____ winter had ceased.

27. ____summer of 1778, that is nearly twenty-three years ago.

28. He spent ____ preceding winter in Cairo.

29. ____ summer came.

30. He remembered____autumn that he had passed there.

31. Perhaps in _____ spring, if I have plenty of money, as I dare say I shall, we may think about building.

32. During _____ summer I met Mrs Jones.

33. Once or twice every month during ____ winter he would throw open to the world his beautiful house.

34. You’ll feel better in ______ summer, believe me.

35. Our family had a tradition to meet twice a year in _____ early winter and in _____ late summer.

36. We said good-bye to one another, and arranged to meet in _____ autumn.

37. I know _____ summer will pass happily away.

38. It seems rather absurd that I shouldn't see my own work, especially as I am going to exhibit it in Paris in ____ autumn.

Exercise 11. Translate the following:

1. Была зима.

2. Это был слишком холодный вечер для лета.

3. В течение осени мы часто и много встречались.

4. Ты не переживешь зиму.

5. Лето подошло к концу и привело за собой раннюю осень.

6. Это случилось весной 1945.

7. Это была дождливая холодная осень.

8. Была ранняя весна.

9. Осень была исключительно теплая.

10.Мое любимое время года- лето.

11. Лето 1941 было очень жарким.

12.В течение лета я часто ходил в кино.

13.Была поздняя осень, когда я встретил ее снова.

14.Они должны были пожениться ранней весной.

15.Лето, которое они провели вместе, было самым счастливым в ее жизни.

16.Какое дождливое лето ждет нас в этом году.

17.В тот год зима была теплая.

18.Летом 1980 ей исполнилось 20.

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