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Exercise 23. Complete with the correct form of other

1. When they saw each ________________ they began to laugh.

2. The teacher asked: "Why didn't you check your ________________ mistakes?"

3. Some of my children like to read ________________ children don't.

4. I took only one candy! Where are ________________?

5. Her ________________ relatives couldn't arrive.

6. We invited 100 people to our wedding. How many ________________ people do you want to invite?!

7. Give me ________________ pencil, please.

8. Come in, please. Some of the bags you need are in the living room ________________ in the library.

9. Unfortunately, we are going to spend ________________ 10 years in this country.

10. Turn the channel, please. I want to see ________________ movie.

11. She sat on one; who was to sit on ________________?

12. The train stopped at ________________ station.

13. They descended from the carriages; they embraced each ________________.

14. Have________________ cup of tea, mother.

15. They are known to Cecil, who is very well and spoke of you ________________ day.

16. He talked about Italy, like any ________________ person.

17. There is no ________________ way out of it.

18. Don't you think--don't you think we might put it off for ________________ day?

19. A leaf, violently agitated, danced past her, while ________________ leaves lay motionless.

20. I might even share a flat for a little with some ________________ girl.

21. I've been barefooted for two weeks now and I don't see any prospects of getting ________________ pair.

22. On ________________ side of the beach, close down to the water, two little boys, their knickers rolled up, twinkled like spiders.

23. This room that they shared, like ________________ rooms of the bungalow, was of light varnished wood and the floor was bare.

24. It was one or ________________, she felt almost certain of that.

25. As a matter of fact, no ________________house in the town was as popular as theirs; no other family entertained so much.

26. Scarlett and her father each assured ________________solemnly that to bring such matters to the ears of Ellen would only hurt her, and nothing would induce them to wound her gentleness.

27. It is a great secret, but I am glad to say that she is writing ________________ novel.

28. And she knew she should be altogether one way or ________________.

29. You boys wait for me and don't run off with any ________________ girl or I'll be furious.

30. This was the way girls talked to ________________ boys but never to him.

31. Isn't it enough that you've collected every ________________ man's heart here today?

32. As she turned, she saw Charles coming into the house from________________ end of the long hall.

33. There were crowds in front of every ________________ counter but theirs, girls chattering, men buying.

34. Has what ________________ women said ever mattered to you?

35. War times aren't like ________________ times.

36. I can't eat ________________ bite.

37. Is it ________________ husband you're trying to catch?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 678 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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