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Exercise 28. Answer the questions using paired conjunction

1. What magazines would you like to read? (Cosmopolitan, Vogue)

2. What kind of weather do you prefer? (sunny, cloudy)

3. Have you ever been written, an essay or a short story?

4. What are you going to have for a drink? (tea, coffee)

5. Have you seen your parents today? (daddy, mom)

6. Do you depend on your mum or dad?

7. What channel do you prefer? (Discovery Channel, Fashion TV)

8. Do you like Chekhov or Bulgakov?

9. Where do you prefer to stay for the summer? (at your country house, at the seaside)

10. When is your day off?

Exercise 29. Insert either or / neither nor.

1. Freddy was__________________ clever, _______ beautiful. (-)

2. He looked at people, and he __________________ liked _______ disliked them.(-)

3. The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had _______________ a lock ______ a key. (-)

4. I like him, it's __________________ his charm _______ his beauty that makes him so fascinating. (+)

5. The South had always lived by selling cotton and buying the things it did not produce, but now it could __________________ sell _____ buy. (-)

6. Many of the men were totally unarmed, for the Confederacy had __________________ rifles ______ ammunition to issue to them. (-)

7. They went past, looking __________________ left _______ right, so silent that had it not been for the steady tramp of feet they might all have been ghosts. (-)

8. And to make matters worse, Wade was ill with a sore throat and a raging fever and there was __________________ doctor _______ medicine for him. (-)

9. None of her friends had seen her, __________________ in the Piazza ________, later on, by the embankment. (-)

10. I will never speak of it __________________ to her _______ to any one. (-)

11. "__________________ I'm mad, _______ else he is, and I'm inclined to think it's the latter. (+)

12. Why should Lucy want __________________ to marry ________ to travel when she had such friends at home? (+)

13. Bless the child, she's a sweet little thing, but I can never remember __________________ her name ________ her face.(-)

14. __________________ carry him ________ make him walk.(+)

15. __________________ you tend to your business and let me tend to mine ________ I quit tonight. (+)

16. He seldom, it is true, sent __________________ his eyes ________ his thoughts beyond the boundaries of his own farm.(+)

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