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Exercise 14. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate article where necessary

1......weather is good today. Let's go for a walk, I like to walk in.....good weather.

2. This is.....very interesting news for me. Tell me everything.

3. You have.....great progress this year.

4. It' s.....urgent work!

5. He got all _____ information he needed

6. Do you believe you have enough ____ knowledge?

7. ____ advice he gave me was really good.

8. Never give him ____ advice.

9. He had _____ great work.

10. First of all he should think about _____ health.

11. He looked at his granny looking for ____ inspiration or ____ guidance

12. I do not think he deserves such ____ advice.

13. ____ work he gave me was very difficult.

14. Do I owe you _____ money?

15. Have you seen where he put ____ money?

16. $100 000 is _____ big money. Where are you going to get it?

Exercise 15. Choose the correct variant.

1. It is (a/the) wonderful work of art. Look at it.

2. They like (a/--) rainy weather.

3. I only could say that (a/the) news is shocking.

4. Could you give me (an/--) advice?

5. Have you made such (the/--) progress within these days. It’s amazing.

6. What are you going to do with (a/the) information.

7. She gazed at Jeremy with (the/---) concern. “Was he telling her the truth.”

8. This time he had (a/---) luck. Will he be so lucky always?

9. She knew Mickey needed (a/---) guidance.

10. They were going to display on view (a/---) work of Goya during the coming exhibition.

11. (a/the) weather was really awful. We decided to stay at home.

12. (---/a) good guidance is very important for a young specialist.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1992 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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