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Articles with names of the day and night

a) No article

Ø When they denote light or darkness

Night came.

Ø After the prepositions: at, after, before, by, till, until, towards, past.

All her life she always got up at dawn.

Ø In the function of a predicative

It was dusk.

Ø When these nouns are modified by nouns denoting days of the week or the words "yesterday" & "tomorrow".

Ø In combination of adverbial character all day long etc

Ø When they are modified by the adj NEXT& LAST inPresent time context.

They got married last night.

NOTE: In Past time context the definite article may be used in similar cases but its use is not obligatory.

He knew that (the) next morning he got up late.

Ø There is no article in such combinations as: on Monday last, in May last.

B) The definite article

Ø When a specific night or day is meant

The day came when he told her that he loved her.

Ø In generic sense

He spent the morning working and the evening talking.

Ø After the prepositions in during through

Ø When the nouns are preceded by "other" the other day

C) The indefinite article

Ø With descriptive attributes

It was a frosty night.

EXCEPTION early & late

It was early morning.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 680 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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