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Exercise 12. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate article where necessary

1. It was ______ late evening when the housekeeper called Tom.

2. His watch said it was three o’clock in _____morning.

3. It all started on _____ Saturday evening. It was _____ first Saturday of September.

4. “_____Twilight begins at about six thirty this week,” my brother said.

5. Ancient advice is to get up before _____ sunrise and to go to bed with _____ sunset.

6. To earn a living he worked from _____ dawn to ______ dusk.

7. He spent _____ morning working and _____ evening doing nothing.

8. _____ silent night was followed by _____ bright dawn.

9. They say it’s better to start something new on _____ Monday morning.

10. It was ____ afternoon when he remembered that it was Mary’s birthday.

11. ‘You are as good as an umbrella on _____ rainy day.’

12. He promised to finish the task ____ day after _____ tomorrow.

13. We have been waiting for him for all ____ day long.

14. I promise I will do everything _____ next morning.

15. _____ Monday is _____ perfect day to start a new life.

16. She didn’t want to go there during ____ day. However she promised that she would go there at _____ night.

17. Something bothered her through _____ day.

18. It was _____ early morning when he realized that he had finished his report.

Exercise 13. Translate the following:

1. Ночь наступила.

2. Я не заметил как село солнце.

3. Мы говорили до утра.

4. Опасно гулять в лесу ночью.

5. На рассвете, она покинула деревню.

6. Я не хочу, чтобы ты мне звонил после полуночи.

7. Мы должны выйти из дома до заката.

8. Ближе к ночи они разбрелись по домам.

9. Был вечер.

10.Был теплый вечер.

11. Встретимся завтра утром.

12.Они говорили по телефону весь день напролет.

13.К позднему вечеру гости начали съезжаться.

14.В течение дня он неустанно повторял эту фразу.

15.Тебе повезет, если ты переживешь ночь.

16. Был ранний вечер.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1168 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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