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Hear stop wear put hurt shut smoke walk run

1. You should _____ your ear plugs in.

2. You mustn’t _____ here.

3. You must _____ goggles in that area.

4. Mind out! Don’t get too close.

5. Please be careful when you _____ across the floor. It might be slippery.

6. Make sure you know how to _____ the machine.

7. Check that all the safety guards are fitted correctly.

8. Some of the materials we use are highly-flammable.

9. Could you just _____ through the evacuation procedure?

10. When you _____ the fire alarm, go the nearest fire exit.

11. Always _____ the fire doors to prevent the fire spreading.

12. I think he’s _____ his back. What shall we do?

13. I’ll get the first-aider. We’d better not move him.

6. Match the hazards (unsafe environmental conditions) with the possible results.

1 a live wire a you might be hit

2 a loose piece of flooring b you might slip over

3 a sharp blade c you might damage your hearing

4 steam d you might burn yourself

5 a careless truck driver e you might electrocute yourself

6 a greasy floor f you might cut yourself

7 a very loud noise g you might trip over

7. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 Always wear ear protection a check electrical installations regularly.

2 Don’t leave b emergency exits clear.

3 Keep c a machine without checking the safety

procedures first.

4 Never place d when using a pneumatic drill.

5 Make sure you e bottles of chemicals carefully.

6 Check that f a ladder near an electricity line.

7 Do not operate g tools lying on the floor.

8 Label h the safety guard is in place.

8. Look at the ways we give recommendations, then study the list of the hazards and write safety rules to limit these hazards.

1 Wear protective clothing.

2 Always wear protective clothing.

3 Protective clothing must be worn.

We can make safety rules in these ways:

1 using an imperative.

Wear protective clothing.

Do not wear loose-fitting clothing.

2 “always/never” are used to emphasize that the rule holds in all cases.

Always wear protective clothing.

Never wear loose-fitting clothing.

3 we can use a modal verb for emphasis.

Protective clothing must/should be worn.

1. uneven floors

2. unguarded machinery

3. untidy workbenches

4. untidy workplaces

5. badly maintained machinery

6. carelessly stored dangerous materials

7. inadequate ventilation

8. damaged tools and equipment

9. machinery in poor condition

10. equipment used improperly

11. equipment operated by untrained personnel

12. apprentices working without supervision

9. What might happen if you don’t follow safety procedures?

First match the sentences then discuss them in pairs.

1 Never store cylinders by naked flames. a Someone might slip over.

2 Always wear gloves when welding. b Someone may get poisoned.

3 You must wipe spillages up immediately. c They may explode.

4 You mustn’t store chemicals in milk d Someone might trip over them.

bottles or jam jars.

5 Never leave bits of wood lying around e You might burn your hands.

on the floor.

10. Read the text and answer the questions after it.


Whenever an accident occurs that results in an injury (medical case), damage of equipment and material, or both, prompt accident investigation by the immediate manager is required. A written preliminary investigation will be completed by the end of the particular shift or business day on which the accident occurred.

In no event should there be a delay of more of 24 hours. Failure to comply with this requirement may subject the immediate manager to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

Without adequate accident investigation data the Company may be subjected to costs, claims, and legal action for which it has no defence.

As a minimum, the preliminary accident investigation report will include the following:

1. Name, occupation, and sex of injured worker.

2. Place and date/time of accident.

3. Description of how the accident happened.

4. Immediate causes of the accident – unsafe acts and unsafe conditions.

5. Contributing causes – manager safety performance, level of worker training, inadequate job procedure, poor protective maintenance, etc.

6. Witness(es) – name and department.

7. Corrective action taken – when.

The employee who was injured and any employee(s) who witnessed the accident should be separately interviewed as soon as possible. A copy of the report must be submitted to the Manager – Human Resources for review. Another copy of the report is to be retained for a period of not less than the injured employee’s length of employment plus five (5) years.

1. What can an accident result in?

2. What requirements should the immediate manager comply with when investigating the accident?

3. What can failure to adequately investigate an accident lead to?

4. What information must the preliminary accident investigation report include?

5. Why should the injured employee and the witnesses be interviewed separately?

6. What must be done with copies of the report?

11. Study this report of an accident. In which points does it not meet company policy on reporting accidents?

To: Name Department & Location Date

Manager Human Resources 17 May

From Name Department & Location Tel.

D. Taylor Mech. Eng. Workshop 6200

Subject Preliminary Report. Accident. 12 May

While turning a brass component on Tuesday, last week, Fenneth Oliver, machinist, received an injury to his eye. He was taken to the Eye Hospital where I understand he was operated on. I believe the accident was due to carelessness.

12. Fill in the gaps with the following:

first-aider greasy alarm

fire extinguisher hurt put out

security first aid box bleeding

A: Marco has fallen off a ladder. I think he’s _____ his back. What shall we do?

B: We’d better not move him. I’ll get the ______.

A: Ow! I’ve twisted my ankle. I slipped on that _____ patch over there. I don’t think it’s broken but it really hurts.

A: Your hand is ______What have you done to it?

B: I cut it on that blade.

A: I’ll get the _____. There’s some antiseptic cream and a bandage in there.

A: If you discover a small fire, you can try to put it out with a _____ but only do this if you have been trained. Make sure you use the right extinguisher. They are all colour-coded and contain different substances to _____ the fire.

A: What should I do if I notice a fire?

B: Raise the _____ by breaking the glass of the nearest fire alarm. Call _____ say “Fire” and give your name and exact location.

13. Fill in the gaps with the following.

flammable fire exit unplug

motion safety strict

off quickly

A: Could you just run through the evacuation procedure?

B: Yes, of course. When you hear the fire alarm, which is very loud, continuous ringing noise, you should go to the nearest ______ or fire escape as ______ as possible.

A: Is that a no-smoking sign?

B: Yes, it is. As you know, some of the materials we use are highly-______ so we have a very ______ non-smoking policy in the factory.

A: Now on this machine always check that all the ______ guards are fitted correctly before you operate the machine because if you don’t, someone might have a bad accident. What else? Oh yes, never try to clean a machine that’s in ______. Switch it ______ and ______ it.

14. Fill in the gaps with the following.

careful make sure ear plugs

goggles warning trip

hazardous slippery

A: I realize some of you are already familiar with the safety procedures for this type of machine but I’ll just explain some of the basics again. First of all _______ you know how to stop the machine before you start it.

A: Mind out. Don’t get too close. We don’t want you to burn yourself. And please be careful when you walk across the floor. It might be _______.

A: Mind you don’t _______ when you go past the packing area. Someone has left some wooden pallets on the floor. And be _______ when you walk across the warehouse.

A: OK, so let’s look round the factory now. It’s quite a _______ environment so you need to take care. By the way, you should put your _______ in when we go down to the factory. It’s not compulsory but some of the machines are a bit noisy.

Do you notice that sign over there – the red circle with a diagonal line through it? It means you mustn’t smoke here. A blue circle shows something is compulsory – so that sigh over there means you must wear ______ in that area to protect your eyes. The yellow triangle with a black border over there is a ______ sign. It means the floor might be wet.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 886 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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