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The gerund can be used in different syntactic functions

1. The gerund as a subject 2. The gerund as a predicative 3. The gerund as an object: a) direct object b) indirect object 4. The gerund as an attribute 5. The gerund as adverbial modifier 1. Smokingis not allowed here.( Курить (курение) здесь не разрешается.) 2. His hobby is drivinga car.(Его любимое занятие- водить (вождение) машинную) 3. a) The car needs repairing. (Машина нуждается в ремонте.) b)They spoke about their travelingto the North.(Они говорили о поездке на север) 4. There are different ways of obtainingthis subject.(Существуют различные способы получения этого вещества.) 5. After receivinggood results they stopped experiments.( Получив (после того как получили) хорошие результаты, они прекратили эксперименты.

Ex.9 Translate the following sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the functions of the gerund in these sentences.

1. Reading English technical magazines is important for an engineer.

2. He remembers having added some water to the mixture.

3. They began making experiment in May.

4. After graduating from the Institute he worked in the Far North.

5. There are different ways of obtaining the substance.

6. They finished installing the equipment only on Saturday.

7. At the meeting they discussed different ways of improving their work.

8. The organizers of the conference were informed of his refusing to take part in it.


Focus: Computers: friend or foe?

Grammar focus: Gerund with prepositions.

Skills focus: Reading for specific information to know about the use of computers in peoples’ life.

Before reading:

Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner whether computers are friend or foe?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 1444 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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