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6. What are the techniques for protecting from PC radiation.

1.Read the text A «The use of computers» Part I

- oversimplification - сверхупрощение
- the complicated descendants - сложные(более совершенные)потомки
- engineering design, recordkeeping and management - проектирование,составление отчетов и организация работ(управление)
- up-to-the minute - на данный момент
- implications - выводы
- heredity - наследственность
- finger-print information - информация об отпечатках пальцев
- to deal with the knowledge explosion - разобраться(зд.с огромным объёмом информации)
- mental drudgery - утомительная умственная работа
- process control - правление производственным процессом
- it looks like - похоже
- employment - применение
- adolescent,emotional, cognitive development - эмоциональное,познавательное(интеллектуальное)развитие подростков
- more often than not - чаще всего
- aren't aware of the health hazard - не догадываться об угрозе
- complaining - жалуясь, сетуя
- bewitching flickering - завораживающее мерцание
- quiescent - вялый
- growing anxiety - нарастающая тревога

Computers have been described as machines that think. This is an oversimplification. Computers are machines that are capable of very rapid and accurate calculations, but they do need instruction from human beings.
Nearly everything we do in the modern world is helped and controlled by computers, the complicated descendants of Babbage's simple machine. Computers are being used more efficient than human beings. They have much better memories and can store huge amounts of information and they can do calculations in a fraction of the time taken by a human mathematician. Great advances have been made recently in the techniques of programming computers to act in remarkably intelligent ways.
The application of computers relieved us of much detailed routine mental effort. Machines are thus freeing the human mind, in the same way as muscles were freed over 100 years ago.
In fact, computers can do many things we do, but faster and better. No man alive can do hundreds of thousands sums even hundreds of millions sums on one second but an advanced computer can do calculations in an astonishingly short time.
They can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, control machines in factories, work out tomorrow's weather and do a lot of other things. Let's look now at some of the ways in which computers concern people in their lives and work.
Computers spread into industry, commerce, the government service. Automatic computing opened the way to new and more effective methods of engineering design, recordkeeping and management.The computer may even make possible entirely new ways of conducting a business. The major airlines maintain up-to-the-minute records in a central computer of all seats sold thus permitting the maximum sale for each flight without risk of overselling.
Scientific research, in many fields, is now dependent on computers, either for working out the implications of a theory for handling the very large amounts of data obtained from certain experiments.
Astronomers have been able to test theories about the structure of starts by following their consequences on a computer.
Physicists have been able to sort out the tracks made by millions of high-energy particles and so to obtain statistics and to pick out the rare cases that added to our basic knowledge.
Medical scientists with the help of computers, deduced the structure of large molecules and so have begun to understand the mechanism by which heredity is transmitted. In police, for example, work speed is often essential, so computers are ideal for helping catch criminals. Police inspectors are now able to find out details of car ownership and driving licences. There are systems for storing finger-print information and even information about people's appearance.
Computers serve the arts as well as the sciences. They are a great help to scholars in any subject. It's now possible for a scholar to find a book or article he needs very quickly, which, when millions of new books are published each year, is quite an advantage. So computers can help us to deal with the knowledge explosion in many ways.
Thus, not only a great deal of human mental drudgery is avoided, but more difficult calculations or forms of process control can be undertaken with the help of computers. And of course this is a positive side and great advantage.

2. Match the beginning and the end of the sentences bellow.

1. Great advances have been made in the techniques -
2. The application of computers relieved us -
3. In fact, computers can do many of the things we do -
4. Automatic computing opened the way to new effective methods -
5. Astronomers have been able to test theories about the structure of stars -
6. More difficult calculations or forms of process control-

a) - can be undertaken with the knowledge explosion in many ways.
b) - of engineering design, recordkeeping and management.
c) - of much detailed routine mental effort.
d) - of programming computers to act in remarkably intelligent ways.
e) - but faster and better.
f) - by following their consequences on a computer.

3. Match the words with the definitions
1 - to oversimplify a) - to say that you are not satisfied
2- an employment b) - a possible future effect of a plan, event,action
3 - heredity c) - the use of something for a particular purpose
4 - to complain d) - to explain something in a simple way
5 - implication of e) - the genetic process

Text A «The use of computers» Part II

On the other hand, there is a negative side.
It looks like the computer "virus" has penetrated into the popular masses.
According to experts, estimates the widespread and increasing employment of computers in all spheres and particularly in schools and leisure activities influences adolescents, emotional, cognitive and social development significantly and very often results in psychiatric syndrom.
More often than not, PCs with colour monitors are viewed by their owners as an expensive toy or an object of pride in the eyes of friends.
A lot of children and young people use the screen as a replacement for friends. They even begin to think and dream in computer language. Some of them can spend about 10-15 hours a day in front of the computer and they aren't aware of the health hazard involved in that machine.
Personal computers and video equipment which have cathode- ray tubes are a source of the following electromagnetic radiation:
- mild X-radiation;
- ultraviolet;
- near infra-red;
- radio-frequency;
- super and low - frequency radiation;
- and the radiation of electrostatic fields.
Complaining of frequent headaches, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, depression,
loss of appetite and eye-strain, people rarely link those symptoms with the bewitching flickering of the screen. Meanwhile, researchers came to the conclusion that a non-ionizing low-frequency radiation gravely affects the central nervous system, which leads to headaches, cataracts, skin diseases, tumors and even some other more dangerous deseases.
Those young people who are obsessed by computers and spend a lot of time in front of them become quiescent, lacked initiative, they are afraid to sleep and some of them are admitted to a psychiatric department because of growing anxiety. They begin suffering from "computer sickness".
Health protection in the fast-growing computer-related professions remains a weak point.
There are several techniques for protecting oneself from PC radiation,that have been worked out by specialists.
For instance, U.S. experts believe that:
- an outstretched arm's length from the screen is safest distance;
- monitors should be at least 222cm apart from one another;
- but screen filters have been recognized world wide as the most effective means against PC radiation.
4. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in the box.

Link come lead affect obsess spend admit begin remain

Complaning of frequent headaches, dizziness, eye-strain, people rarely______
those symptoms with the bewitching flickering of the screen. Meanwhile, researchers ____ to the conclusion that a non-ionizing low-frequency radiation gravely _____affects the central nervous system, which ____to headaches, cataracts, skin diseases, tumors and even other more dangerous deseases.
Those young people who are _____by computers and____-a lot of time in front of them become quiescent, lacked initiative and some of them are _____to a psychiatric department because of growing anxiety. They ____suffering from " computersickness".
Health protection in the fast - growing computer-related professions _____a weak point.

5. Decide if the following statements are true(T) or false (F).

1. Computers are machines that are capable of very rapid and accurate calculations, but they don't need instruction from human beings.

2. Great advances have been made recently in the techniques of programming computers to act in remarkably intelligent ways.

3. The computer may not make possible entirely new ways of conducting a business.

4. The application of computers relieved us of much detailed routine mental effort.

5. Scientific research, in many fields, is now dependent on computers.

6. It looks like the computer "virus" has penetrated deeply into the popular masses.

7. There are no techniques for protecting oneself from PC radiation.

8.. A lot of children and young people use the screen as a replacement for friends.

9. Medical scientists with the help of computers, deduced the structure of large molecules.

6. Answer the questions.

1..Why computers are being used more extensively in the world today.

2.. What can computers do faster and better than a man.

3. How do the computers concern people in their daily lives and work.

4. What is the negative side of the computer "virus" penetrated into the popular masses?

5. What source of radiation are personal computers.

6. What are the techniques for protecting from PC radiation.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 614 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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