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Participle I,II

Participle I Participle II
Verb + ing Regular verb + ed or V3
Taking Taken
doing   Done

6. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1 The project _____ (develop) by our specialists is being revised by our director.

2 The woman _____ (speak) now is our new manager.

3 This engine _____ (invent) by our engineers from R&D department is a breakthrough.

4 The scientists_____ (conduct) the research are not able to meet the deadline.

5 New materials ______ (produce) at the plant are very popular with car makers.

6 Some of the questions _____ (put) to the foreman were very important.

7 The translation _____ (make) yesterday was not correct.

The Participle has two syntactic functions:

  An Attribute An Adverbial Modifier
Building     Being built   Built     Having built   Having been built   The young man building our house with me is my brother. Молодой человек, который строит дом вместе со мной,- Мой брат.     The white stone house being built near the park is a new building of our Art museum. Белокаменное сооружение, строящееся у парка, - новое здание нашего музея изобразительных искусств.     They are reconstructing the house built in the 18th century. Они реставрируют здание, простроенное в XVIII веке.   ---     --- He made his living building summer houses or garages for people. Он зарабатывал на жизнь, строя людям беседки и гаражи.     Being built with great skill and care, the mansion has been used by the family for centuries. Так как особняк был построен (будучи простроенным) очень искусно, он служит семье уже несколько веков.   If built of the local stone, the road will serve for years. Если построить дорогу из этого местного камня, она будет служить долгие годы.   Having built the house, he began building a green house. Построив дом, он принялся за оранжерею.   Having been built of concrete, the house was always cold in winter. Так как дом был построен из бетона, в нем всегда было холодно зимой.  

7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1 He left the office at three o’clock, saying he would be back at five.

2 Having signed the letter the manager asked the secretary to send it off at once.

3 Informed of the arrival of the ship, they sent a car to the port.

4 Being checked with great care, the report didn’t contain any errors.

5 These machines will be sent to the plant being constructed in this region.

6 When writing an essay we must use new words and phrases.

7 The figures mentioned in his article were published in the newspaper.

8 Receiving the telegram, he rang the manager up.

8. Paraphrase the sentences using participles instead of underlined parts.

Model: When he discovered that he had a talent for physics, he gave up his job to enter university.

Discovering that he had a talent for physics, he gave up his job to enter university.

As he had done the task, he left the office.

Having done the task, he left the office.

1 When the editor learned that his newspaper had been taken by another publisher, he resigned from his position.

2 I declined his offer of a loan and said that I didn’t like owing people money.

3 The demonstrator who protested violently was led away by the police.

4 When I visit a strange city, I like to have a guide-book with me.

5 Now that I have heard your side of the question, I am more inclined to agree with you.

6 As he had been warned that bad weather lay ahead, the ship’s captain changed the course.

9. Write a short (about 200 words) passage about new materials and their properties that you will deal with in your future profession.


Focus: Safety at work.

Grammar focus: The Absolute Participial Construction.

Skills focus: Reading for specific information, enlarging vocabulary with words connected with safety at work and developing listening and speaking skills.

1. Where would you find the notices below? How do you say these things in your language?

a Don’t lean out of the windows.

b Beware of the dog.

c All visitors must sign up.

d Keep clear.

2. Match the meanings of the signs (1-4) with the shapes (a-d) and colours (e-h).

meaning shape colour
1 you mustn’t do this a triangle e yellow and black
2 you must do this b circle with diagonal line f red and white
3 there is a danger c square g blue and white
4 this material is dangerous d circle h orange and black


3. What do the signs mean? Where would you find them?

Match the sentences with the signs?

1. Be careful.

2. Beware of industrial vehicles.

3. Don’t smoke here.

4. Don’t walk here.

5. Risk of death.

6. This material is corrosive.

7. This material is explosive.

8. This material is flammable.

9. Wear a hard hat.

10. Wear ear defenders.

11. Wear goggles to protect your eyes.

4. Rearrange these words to form questions.

a. it/where/hurt/does?

b. move/arm/you/can/your?

c. happen/it/did/how?


d. get/the/I/shall/first-aider?

e. keep/first aid/where/we/box/do/the?

f. injured/anyone/been/has?

g. anyone/ambulance/has/yet/called/an?

h. your/to/what/done/have/you/hand?

5. Fill in the gaps with the given verbs. Then listen to the tape and check your answers.

Repeat after the speaker. Discuss with your partner situations where you can hear this.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 697 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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