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Speaking. 8. Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of using different types of robots

8. Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of using different types of robots.

Grammar Revision: The Infinitive

9. Complete the sentences with the suitable Infinitives from the box.

to be explained, to raise, to consider, to stimulate, to be investigated, to be widely used, to be repaired, to enumerate, to be built, to be known

1. The designers’ task is ………………. the reliability of robots.

2. It is hard ……………… all the problems facing our engineers.

3. Another factor for the industrial engineer …………… is whether manufacturing process can be automated in whole or in part.

4. Industrial robots ………………. now perform certain tasks even better than a human being.

5. Neural networks are often used ……………….. brain activity and are effective at predicting events.

6. He ordered these devices ………………. as soon as possible.

7. Much experimental work is needed for these phenomena ……………….

8. We expected these new devices …………….. in various fields of science and technology.

9. Expert systems,……………… as knowledge-based systems, mirror the structure of an expert’s thought.

10. These technologies allow the new data …………….. thoroughly.

Grammar Focus: The Complex Object

The Complex Object consists of a noun in the common case or pronoun in the objective case and the Infinitive. It is mostly translated into Russian by an object clause.

I want him to work at this problem with us.

The Complex Object is used after the verbs:

1. of mental active: to know, to think, to consider, to believe, to find (считать, полагать), to expect, to suppose (предполагать), to imagine, to feel, to trust, to mean 2. denotingwish and attention: towant, to wish, to desire, to mean, to intend. 3. denotingfeeling and emotion: tolike, to dislike, to hate 4. denoting order and permission: to order, to allow, to suffer (неохотно разрешать), to ask for, to command, to encourage, to forbid, etc. 5. denoting sense perception: to hear, to see, to watch, to feel, to observe, etc. After such verbs the bare infinitive(without “to”) is used   I knew them to be right. Я знал, что они правы.     He wants me to help him. Он хочет, чтобы я помог ему.   Tell me what you would like me to do.Скажи, что бы ты хотела, чтобы я сделала. He asked for the letter to be sent off at once. Он просил, чтобы письмо было отправлено немедленно (отослать письмо немедленно).   We did not see the teacher enter the room. Мы не видели, как преподаватель вошёл в комнату.

10. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Complex Object.

1. We know our students to have worked at the constriction site well.

2. He proved these two substances to be alike.

3. We expect these new devices to be widely used in various fields of science and technology.

4. We know electrons to travel from the cathode to the anode.

5. We watched the mechanic repair the engine with great skill.

6. I didn’t notice him leave the hall.

7. We observed small pieces of paper to be attracted by amber.

8. The teacher wanted us to tell him in English about this experiment.

11. Practice the following according to the model.

Model: A. Do you want to make a speech?

B. No, I want you to make a speech.

Do you want to ….

1. speak first? 2. introduce the speakers? 3. attend the conference? 4. give a talk? 5. make the arrangements? 6. fix a date? 7. give a master class? 8. organize the reception?

12. Read the following English sentences and find their Russian equivalents in the right column.

1. These techniques allow the new data to be investigated thoroughly.

2. These techniques enable subtle control of the current to be achieved.

3. This causes the components to be separated.

4. We could not get him to

repeat the experiment.

5. These techniques permitthose phenomena to be investigated thoroughly.

6. They made him to reconsider his conclusion.

7. New techniques allowed the properties of this substance to be changed.

8. He ordered these devices to be repaired as soon as possible.

1. Мы не могли заставить его повторить этот эксперимент.

2. Это вызывает разделение составных частей.

3. Эти приёмы позволяют тщательно исследовать новые данные.

4. Он приказал отремонтировать эти приборы как можно быстрее.

5. Эти приёмы дают возможность достигнуть точного контроля тока.

6. Эти приёмы позволяют исследовать эти явления основательно.

7. Они заставили его пересмотреть свой вывод.

8. Новые приёмы позволили изменить свойства вещества

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