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Central air tempering system

Outside air for the entire building is drawn in through a central build up unit. The outside air is tempered, heated and cooled, to maintain a con­stant 55F (12,8 C) supply for all zone systems. The tempering unit also contains a bank of modium efficiency prefilters. To assure close control of temperature and help eliminate the possibility of coil freeze up, a present steam coil with internal face and bypass damper sections is used. Steam pressure is maintained on the coils at all times and shut off only when out­side temperature is above freezing. The precool coil is a standard chilled water coil with three-way bypass valve control.



1. Define what system is described:

1. It supplies a varying amount of constant temperature conditioned air to meet the prevailing space load.

2. These systems are very simple to design and reliable to operate.

3. Recognizing that both systems have good features and limitations, a group of hybrid systems evolved.

2. Compare the both systems: Constant Volume Variable Temperature Systems and Variable Volume Constant Temperature Systems.


1. individual self- contained air- conditioning units
2. a compressor
3. air or water cooled condenser
4. direct expansion cooling coils
5. filters
6. controls
7. blowers
8. central refrigerating plant
9. chilled water is pumped through coils
10. air-handling unit
11. conditioning area
12. cooling coils
13. fan units
14. coil units
15. duct work
16. to carry the supply air from the units to the conditioned area

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 261 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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