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Packaged cooling units

Indoor packaged cooling units - vertical air-cooled self-contained air-conditioners-are available in 8, 10 and 16 ton capacities. Their compact design permits passage through standard 36 indoors, down narrow corridors and into most passenger elevators. A prewired electrical panel and built -in low voltage control system facilitate installation and servic­ing. Series features twin compressors, extra large condenser and evapora­tion coils and oversized blown motors. Solid slate compressor protector with no moving parts on breaker points prevents compressor burnouts, lengthens compressor life and reduces service calls.


1. Вспомните значения следующих английских слов и подбе­рите к ним русские эквиваленты.

air conditioning, environment, close control, provide, supply of air, removal of air, contaminated air, space heating, residential buildings, in­stallations

1.жилые дома

2.тщательное регулирование

3.отопление помещения


5.окружающая среда

6.кондиционирование воздуха


8.вывод воздуха

9.загрязненный воздух

10.подача воздуха

2. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим англий­ским словам и словосочетаниям.

Humidity, purity, department stores, sound knowledge, excess heat, cleaning of air, fumes, hazardous to health, modern amenities, economical source, commercial buildings, humidify


2.универсальные магазины


4.глубокие знания

5.очистка воздуха

6.экономичный источник

7.коммерческие здания

8.запахи, испарения

9.опасный для здоровья

10.современные удобства


12.избыток тепла

3. Прочтите текст. Укажите, какие абзацы раскрывают содержание заголовка:

Text. All-year Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Gas Supply

(1) Air conditioning implies the control of temperature, humidity, purity and motion of the air in an enclosure. In our modern world of science and highly developed technology air conditioning is of a great significance for industrial processes as well as for human comfort. As an example it must be mentioned that during the manufacture of extremely delicate equipment such as inertial guidance systems for rockets, airplanes or submarines both temperature and humidity must be closely controlled and air purity provided at an extremely high level.

(2)Air conditioning for human comfort is employed in both large and small installations, such as theatres, office buildings, department stores, residences, airplanes, railways, cars and submarines. According to their purpose air conditioning systems may be described as winter, summer and all-year systems. Considering their basic design they are called unit or central air conditioners.

(3)All-year air-conditioning systems must provide means for performing all the processes required for winter and summer air conditioning. The basic pieces of equipment are the filters, preheat coils, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, reheat coils, additional cooling coils, fans and controls. The control of air purity can be achieved in various degrees. As a minimum control some sort of filtering must be done near the entrance of the air-conditioning system. Possibly the most efficient filtering device is the electrostatic precipitator.

(4)In order to establish the size and operational requirements of an air-conditioning system, the maximum probable heating and co-demands have to be calculated. The maximum probable heating demand is usually for winter air conditioning and it involves heating and humidifying. The maximum probable cooling demand is generally for summer applications and requires cooling and dehumidifying. The inside design conditions depend entirely upon the purpose for which air conditioning is used. Certain industrial process requirements and human comfort are the two major fac­tors to be considered. With ever increasing tendencies to use air-conditioning a building engineer must have sound knowledge of the subject.

(5)As far as ventilation is concerned the modern theory to this effect can be summed up in the statement that for places of general assembly the purpose of ventilation is to carry away excess heat and odours and that normally 10 cu. ft per minute of outside air per person is sufficient to accomplish this objective. In buildings such as homes, the leakage of air through cracks in doors and windows is usually sufficient to meet this requirement. Although ventilation was formerly concerned with the supply of fresh air to and the removal of hot and contaminated air from the space it gradually came to be associated with cleaning of air.

(6)Industrial buildings often present special problems in ventilation. There are certain industrial processes that are accompanied by the production of air-born dust, fumes, toxic vapours and gases which are hazardous to the health of workers. Three types of ventilation are in use so that to control dangerous gases and dusts: exhaust systems, dilution systems and combinations of both. The contaminated air is exhausted at high velocity from hoods which have sufficient entrance velocity to pick up the contaminants.

(7)Another indispensable part of modern amenities is gas supply. It has come now to be of a very wide use. With an intensive exploration of finding natural gas it has gradually replaced the manufacture in its utilization. At the present time natural gas is put to large-scale economic use. The principal utilization of natural gas is as a clean, convenient, economical source of heat. In homes it is used for cooking, water heating, refrigeration for food as well as for space heating. Nowadays most of the homes are heated by natural gas and the number of gas-supplied homes was increasing at a rate limited chiefly by the ability of the steel industry to produce the pipe through which the gas is transported. Natural gas supply is used also as a heat source in. commercial establishments such as restaurants and bakeries for cooking and in stores, offices and other commercial buildings for heating and comfort cooling.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 267 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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