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Broadcasting house

One of the most modern air-conditioned buildings in Britain is Broadcasting House. In order to maintain constant atmospheric light con­ditions inside the studious, it is necessary to absorb the moisture and heal generated by the people presents and also the released by the lights. The heat and water liberated in the studious are removed by the supplied of conditioned air. All the studious are supplied with conditioned air from four air-conditioning plants, each comprising a supply fan, spray cham­bers, pumps, heater batteries, automatic controls and extract fan. Each plant draws its supply of fresh air from the roof through a brick shaft and also takes a small proportion of return air from the extract fan. Each plant is driven by three electric motors controlled from one panel. A master control panel is provided so that the engineer in change can operate each plant at a distance. This panel carries start and stop buttons, indicators lights for each plant and distance thermometer.

In addition to the four plants serving the studious, there arc two similar sets of equipment supplying air to the machine rooms in the base­ment and certain rooms within the central tower.

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Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 266 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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