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Drill the pronunciation of the words suggested above

4. Translate the following noun-groups into Russian:

All air central air-conditioning systems, space thermostat, air-water central air-conditioning systems, conditioned systems, space loads, supply air temperature, a cooled air stream, load conditions, constant tem­perature, conditioned air, fixed minimum ventilation rates, hybrid systems, system efficiency.

5. Answer the questions using the given words in brackets:

1. What groups of central air-conditioning systems exist?

(constant volume, variable temperature system, variable volume, constant temperature system)

2. What does the constant volume variable temperature system supply?

(a constant amount of conditioned air at proper temperatures)

3. What does the variable volume, constant temperature systems supply?

(a varying amount of constant temperature conditioned air)

6. Reader the following English sentences into Russian:

1.Generally, these systems are very simple to design and reliable to operate.

2.Energy is washed under partial load conditions because of mixing or reheat.

3.Space temperature control is not dependant on mixing or reheat.

4.However, only cooling can be provided.

5.A group of hybrid systems evolved from these two basic groups.?

7. Read the text "Central Air-conditioning Systems" and

• mark the paragraphs characterizing central air-conditioning systems;

• say if the same groups of systems exist in Russian;

• find the information on the difference between constant volume, variable temperature systems and variable volume temperature systems;

• define if these two systems are the only ones used and what the text says about it;

• analyzing the text from the point of view of the future engineer, express your attitude towards the problems discussed in the article, say if everything could be accepted without doubts. And if you had the opportunity of talking to its author of the article what would you clear up?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 226 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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