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Drill the pronunciation of the above -written English words and phrases

4. Translate the noun-groups into Russian:

Individual self- contained air-conditioning units, air or water cooled condenser, direct expansion cooling coils, central refrigeration plant, chilled water, air - handling unit, units, conditioned area, fan units, coil units, duct work, supply air.

5. Complete the sentences using the key words given in brackets:

1. individual self-contained air-conditioning units contain

(a compressor, air or water cooled condenser, direct expansion cooling coils, filters, controls and blowers)

2. central refrigerating plants consist of (cooling coils, fans, filters, controls)

3. Fan and coil units employ (a central refrigerating plant)

6. Ask "Where" and "What" questions using the key-words:

Individual self-contained air-conditioning units, a compressor, air or water cooled condenser, blowers, to carry the supply air from the units to the conditioned area, chilled water, to be pumped through coils, in the air-handling units.

7. Read and find the exact answers to the given questions:

1. How many types of air-conditioning systems are there for large buildings?

2. Where are individual self-contained air-conditioning units located?

3. What does an individual self-contained air-conditioning unit contain (consist of)?

4. What does air-handling unit consist of?

5. What system do individual fan and coil units employ?

8. The text reads that "duct work is required" for some systems and the "duct work is necessary for the other". Look through the text and make clear for what systems the duct work is unnecessary or required.

9. Usually when different systems are characterized there given "pros " and "cons " about each other. Define if our text "Air -handling Units " compares the systems suggesting the advantages and disadvantages of both. In case, it does read the sentences containing this information.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 263 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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