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The text

Conditioning air for human may be divided into the main two sec­tions - winter and summer. Complete air -conditioning provides the fol­lowing services. First, filtration of the air both in winter and in summer to remove dust. Second, circulation of air at low velocity and with proper diffusion to prevent draughts and maintain a uniform temperature and hu­midity at all parts of the inhabited space. Third, introduction of enough fresh air from the outside atmosphere. Fourth, heating of the air in winter. Fifth, cooling of the air in summer below the atmosphere. Sixth, humidi­fying the air in winter to a good humidity of at least 20-25 percent. Sev­enth, dehumidifying the air in summer to a good humidity not exceeding 55 percent.

Words to be studied and memorized:

1.Central station system

2.To be conditioned by a central station system

3.a direct expansion type of system

4.to expand the refrigerant - расширить охладитель

5.a finned tube evaporator- испаритель

6.fin - радиаторная пластина, ребро для воздушного охладителя


8.to liquefy gas - сжигать газ

9.duct work -работа клапанов, воздуховод.

10. evaporator unit

11. the finned walls of the evaporator

12. a light socket

3. Read and translate the following phrases, words or word - combinations into Russian without using a dictionary: banks are air-conditioned by a central station system, the refrigerant, most systems have filters, the conversion of the refrigerant from a liquid to a gaseous state requires heat, to place the system into operation, a window ventilator.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 315 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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