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Additional literature

3. CD. New English File. Intermediate level. 2010

4. R.Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. Second Edition. Cambridge, 2010.

5. www.learningenglish.com

Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits: 2
Intermediate level Practical lesson
Lexical theme: Telling tales  
Grammar: Reported speech  
Teacher: assistant professor Karybayeva A.S.

Exercise 1 Look at the pictures. How much do you know about the traditional tales? Do you remember these tales?

Exercise 2 Make a story or tale with the help of words and phrases below:

once upon time believe swore beautiful princes fall in love hero love forever fight with joke treat like a royalty

Exercise 3 Make a short presentation on the given theme: “What’s your favorite tale?”

Useful phrases I think the moral or message of tale or story is…. It is believed that….  

Exercise 4 Listen to the tale “The Fairies” [5]. Choose the right variant.

1. The widow who had a) one daughter b) two daughters c) three daughters d) four daughters 2. The younger girl, who was a true likeness of her…. in the gentleness and sweetness of her disposition, was also one of the most beautiful girls imaginable a) mother b) sister c) father d) brother 3. One day when she was at the spring …came up and begged for a drink a) an old woman b) an old man c) a girl d) a boy   4. Fairy granted the younger girl that with every word she speaks… shall fall from her mouth a) a flower or a precious stone b) two vipers and two toads c) three frogs and beetles d) water and sand
5. Her sister, she made herself so hateful that her own mother drove her out of the house so at last she a) married to the king’s son b) went into a corner of the woods and died c) became rich d) lived alone for a long time

Exercise 5 Answer the questions about the text.

1 Why did the widow dislike her youngest daughter?

2 What were the youngest daughter’s duties?

3 What did the fairy grant for youngest daughter?

4 What did the fairy grant for elder daughter?

5 What happened with the youngest and elder daughters at the end?

Exercise 6 What is the missing word?

1. “Why, ________, good mother,” said the beautiful girl.

2. “You are so beautiful and so polite, that I am determined to bestow ________. I grant you, that with every word you speak, a flower or a ___________ shall fall from your mouth.” the fairy said.

3. “I do believe that I saw ________ and ___________ dropping out of your mouth? What have you been doing, my daughter?”

4. “Do you think I have come here just to get you a drink?” she said the rude girl ___________.

5. “Do you think I brought _____________here just to give madam a drink? Yes, that’s just what I think! Have a drink, if you must!”


Reported speech [1.p 140].

We use reported speech to report what someone has said without using their exact words. [3] When we change direct speech to reported speech, we often make the verb form go one tense back. E.g. ‘ Tom lives in Germany,’ said Claire. Claire said that Tom lived in Germany.
Direct speech Reported speech
Present continuous→ Past continuous
‘She’s sleeping,’ he said. He said she was sleeping.
Past simple→ Past perfect
‘He fell over,’ he said. He said he had fallen over.
Present perfect→ Past perfect
‘They’ve lost their money,’ he said. He said they had lost their money.
Can→ Could
‘She can swim,’ he said. He said she could swim
Will→ Would
‘ They will be late,’ he said He said they would be late.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 549 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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