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Exercise 8 Read and answer the questions

1. Why do the offices of Holmes Investigazioni look more like an ‘executive job agency’ than a private detective company?

2. Why do the woman detectives tend to be either single or divorced?

3. Why, according to Ms Costa, do they make better detectives than men?

4. What does most of their work consist of?

5. What four things are important to remember when following somebody?

Exercise 9 Translate the text with the dictionary

Exercise 10 Complete the sentences using a/an or the

1. We enjoyed our holiday. ____hotel was very nice.

2. ‘Can I ask a question? ‘Of course. What do you want to ask?’

3. Peter and Mary have got two children, ___boy and ___ girl. ___ boy is seven years old and ____girl is three. Peter works in ___ factory. Mary hasn’t got ___ job at the moment.

4. A. Shall I go out for ____ meal this evening?

B. Yes, that’s ___ good idea.

5. I like this room but I don’t like ____color of ____ carpet.

Exercise 11 Write a dictation.

Exercise 12 Write a letter (8-10 sentences) -2% (4min)

Your boyfriend or girlfriend invited you to the restaurant, but you are so busy therefore you can’t go. Write an informal letter to your friend that you feel sorry and suggest to meet the next time.

1. Choose the correct variant.

This morning I bought … newspaper and … magazine, … newspaper is in my bag but I don't know where I put … magazine.

a) a, a, the, the

b) a, a, the, a

c) the, the, the, a

d) a, a, a, a

2. Choose the correct variant.

I saw … accident this morning … car crashed into … tree. … driver of … car wasn't hurt but … car was badly damaged.

a) the, the, the,a, the, a

b) an, a, a, the, the, the

c) an, the, the, an,a, the

d) an,an,the,the,a,a

3. Choose the correct variant.

There are two cars parked outside…blue one and … grey one…blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don't know who … owner of … grey one is.

a) the, a, the, a, an

b) a, a, the, the,the

c) an, the, the,a, -

d) the, the, the, an

4. Choose the correct variant.

My friends live in … old house in… small village. There is … beautiful garden behind … house.

a) the, the, the, an

b) an, an, an, the

c) an, a, a, the

d) a, a, a, a

SIW № 9   Exercise 1 Ex. 1(a, b), Ex.2 (a, b) Unit 5B [2, p.47]
Office hours № 3   1. Match 1 Prepare a dialogue “At the Spa”. 2. Read the text “A gossip with the girls” and retell it [1.p73]

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