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References. 1. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig


1. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File. Intermediate Students Book. Oxford 2010.

2.Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File. Intermediate Workbook. Oxford 2010.


3. Tim Falla and Paul A Davis.Solutions. Intermediate Students Book. Oxford.2008.

4. teachingenglish.org.uk.

Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits:2
Intermediatelevel Practical lesson
Lexical theme: A man thing or a woman thing  
Grammar: Articles  
Teacher: assistant professor Karybayeva A.S.

Exercise 1 Look at pictures and answer the following questions.

1. What kinds of topics do men and women like talking about?

2. Who do you think tend to do the following things? Men or woman? What is common for men and women?

  • Reading novels
  • Going shopping, doing housework
  • Going to saunas and steam rooms
  • Going to sport events, to bars and pubs
  • Playing games (cards and chess)
  • Going to the gym, health spas
  • Learning languages
  • Going to the cinema

Exercise 2 Make a presentation with the help of statements which are below:

Men’s opinion about….

1. Women understand colour. They think what to wear all the time.

2. Men have no tastes about sofas and curtains.

3. Women enjoy planning a wedding, holidays.

4. A man can choose and buy a pair of shoes in 90 seconds, women- 2hours.

Women’s opinion about…

1. On being told that someone has bought a new car, women usually ask what colour it is – men ask what make it is.

2. Women notice when the washing powders going to run out and buy some more, men just say ‘Oh, we’ve run out of washing powder.’

3. Women know instinctively what is dangerous or not recommended for babies in their care. Men, generally speaking, do not.

4. Women remember birthdays, anniversaries, and appointments effortlessly.

5. Men can put an infinite amount of rubbish in the bin without noticing it is full.

Exercise 3 Make a dialogue on the given theme “A man thing or a woman thing” and say which paragraph do sentences correspond to?

1 Men don’t have much sense of colour______. 2 Men aren’t vain_______. 3 Women are good at caring for children_____. 4 Men are very quick at shopping for some things______. 5 Men don’t care about home decoration_______.
Useful phrases
Generally speaking/In general, I think women go to spas more than men… I think it’s more common formen to watch football….
I think women tend to read novels than men

Exercise 4 Listen to the text [1.p74] T.5.8. -5.10. - 1.96 min.

Choose the right variant.

1. For Stephen body polish was a) fantastic b) awful c) horrible d) divine 2. The facial procedure takes about a) two hour 10 minutes b) one hour 40 minutes c) one hour 15 minutes d) two hours   3. For facial procedure Joanna gave… out of ten a) four b) one c) nine d) five 4. During facial treatment Stephen couldn’t relax, because he was a) angry b) nervous c) hungry d) tired

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