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Relative clauses

[1, p.140]

Julia’s a woman who/that works with me. It’s a book which/that tells you how to relax. That’s the house whereI was Born. That’s the boy whose father plays for Real Madrid. He’s the man (who/that) I met on the plane.

· Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun from the box.

who which where whose that
  1. This is the school _________ I learned 5 years ago.
  2. Here is the telegram________ arrived this morning.
  3. The person________ I get on with best in my family is my cousin.
  4. I think we should buy the washing machine________ is more economical.
  5. I don’t like people _______ are unreliable.

· Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose from the dropdown menu.

1) I talked to the girl ____________car had broken down in front of the shop.

2) Mr Richards, ___________is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

3) We often visit our aunt ___________ in Norwich is in East Anglia.

4) This is the girl _________ comes from Spain.

5) That's Peter, the boy _________ has just arrived at the airport.

Exercise 10 Use these phrases and make ten sentences with them.

Useful phrases to make an impact on to fight for human rights to be insulted to make a choice to use celebrity status to come to the public eye to rise money to hold out for a hero to try to reconcile to turn into an icon

Exercise 11 Write a dictation.

Exercise 12 Choose one modern icon from your country and write a short report about his/her biography.

1. Choose the right variant. This is a house … I was born.

a) who

b) which

c) where

d) what

2. Choose the right variant. Jurassic park … was directed by Steven Spielberg is my favourite film.

a) which

b) who

c) who

d) whose

3. Choose the right variant. My younger sister … husband is a pilot lives in Riga.

a) who

c) that

d) which

c) whose

4. Choose the right variant. The old woman … lives next door has 11 cats.

a) who

b) which

c) where

d) whose

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