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GLOSSARY. English Russian Kazakh humanity [hjuːˈmænɪtɪ] гуманность

English Russian Kazakh
humanity [hjuːˈmænɪtɪ] гуманность, человеколюбие адамгершілік, ізгілік
to play the part of a doctor [tuːpleɪ ðə pɑːt ɒv ə ˈdɒktə] играть роль врача дәрiгер ролдi ойнау
aerobatic [ɛərəʊˈbætɪk] пилотажный пилотаждық, ұшқыждық
crew member [kruː ˈmembə] член экипажа экипаж мүшесі
spacecraft [ˈspeɪskrɑːft] космический корабль ғарыштық кеме
launch [lɔːntʃ] запуск ұшыру
notable [ˈnəʊtəbl] примечательный, заметный есте қаларлық
SIW № 12   Read the text.  

An 18-year-old student has won a local election to become mayor of his hometown in the US state of Michigan. Michael Sessions won by the slenderest of margins - just two votes put him ahead of his only rival, the incumbent 51-year-old mayor. Mr. Sessions attributed his electoral success to the votes cast by his parents. He will now have to juggle schedules between attending school and fulfilling his civic duties. He will attend his school classes between 8am to 3pm and carry out his new job as the elected mayor of Hillsdale before dinner at 6pm. He aims to deliver on his campaign pledges of increasing the contingent of full-time fire-fighters from three to four, revitalizing the local economy and enabling townsfolk to air their views and grievances on town life.

Mr. Sessions was too young to enter the election when it was first announced – he turned 18 only in September, which meant he had just four weeks of campaigning. Although he is the youngest elected official in America, he cannot celebrate his success with champagne because he would be arrested for underage drinking. He ran for office with a budget of $700, which he made from his summer job of selling toffee apples. His position is largely ceremonial and he will not get his own office. Instead, he will receive an annual stipend of $3,600 to cover basic expenses. He starts his four-year position on November 21. Mr. Sessions has become an overnight celebrity since his victory and has already done the circuit of television chat show interviews.

1. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text.

a) What are Mr Sessions’ main aims?

b) How did he get the money for his campaign?

2. Are the following statements True or False? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer.

a) An 18-year-old has been elected mayor of Michigan State.

b) The newly elected mayor wants to teach people how to juggle.

c) The new mayor gets an office ten times the size of his bedroom.

1. Find synonyms for each of the four words below from these six options.

Slenderest Grievance Turned Celebrate Official Overnight

a. Slimmest: ________________ b. Instant: ________________

c. Complaint: ________________ d. Became: ________________

4. Choose a, b, or c in each question below. Only one choice is correct.

1. Sessions will have

a. to give up school

b.to take evening classes.

c.to combine school lessons and council duties.

2. Sessions

a. is allowed to drink alcohol after winning the election.

b. is allowed to drink only champagne after winning the election.

c. is not allowed to drink alcohol even though he won the election.

3. Sessions got the money for his political campaign

a. from his parents.

b. from selling toffee apples.

c. from the council.

Office hours № 4   Text [3, p. 155]

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 468 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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