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Exercise 8 Complete the questions with get or an expression with get

1. Who do you _______best in your family?

2. Does it take you long to ______new people?

3. Do you _________more e-mails from friends than work-related ones?

4. How do you normally __________with your friends?

5. How often do you_______ things (e.g. clothes) that you don’t use any more?

Exercise 9 What was the last romantic film you saw? Describe the relationship in the film.

Exercise 10 Who are these people in the photos? What do you know about them? Make up the text using the words in the box.

Useful phrases ask somebody out fancy somebody fall out (with somebody) get divorced get married (to somebody) go out (with somebody) fall in love (with somebody) get back together get engaged (to somebody) get on well (with somebody) make up split up (with somebody)

11. Match the couples. Which of them are fictional?

1. Bonnie a) Anthony

2. Cleopatra b) Clyde

3. John Lennon c) Courtney Love

4. Kurt Kobein d) Tolegen

5. Napoleon Bonaparte e) Juliet

6. Romeo f) Yoko Ono

7. KyzZhybek g) Josephine

12. Take part in the dialogue

1. Do you believe that eternal love exists?

2. Can you fall in love with somebody without meeting them face to face?

  1. At what age do most people in your country get married?
  2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  3. In your country/culture:

- How do young people date? (you might need to explain ”date”.)

- How did you first meet your boyfriend/girlfriend?

- Did you go out to eat in special places? Who paid for the meal?

1.Choose the right variant. I _____ badly with my cousin.

a) go out

b) get on

c) split up

d) go away

2.Choose the right variant. He _____with his girlfriend over the fact that she’s often late.

a) has made up

b) has gone out

c) has fallen out

d) has asked out

3.Give synonym of the following word “fancy”

a) hate

b) admire

c) argue

d) look

4.Choose the right variant. My sister ______to get up at 6.00 a.m.

a) use

b) used

c) did use

d) using

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