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Concept of choice and its place in the democratic state. Majoritarian and proportional systems

Elections make an integral part of political process in modern democratic societies. In the conditions of modern democracies elections – them stem the mechanism. The main form of display of the sovereignty of the people, its political role as power source.. Elections give to the person going to a big-times politics, possibility to become the deputy of parliament, the governor or even the president of the country.

The electoral system is a set of rules, receptions and the procedures providing and regulating legitimate formation representative and executive powers of the political power. It is accepted to allocate three basic their types - proportional, majority (the absolute and relative majority) and mixed.

The proportional system assumes voting by party lists, division of corresponding deputy mandates to proportionally poll, typed by this or that party on elections. Thus almost in all national legislations there is a barrier (usually it is 5 % of votes) which it is necessary to overcome parties that it has been presented in a legislature.

The majority electoral system is such system at which the winner on elections the candidate who has typed 50 % of voices plus 1 vote admits, taken part in voting (in some countries - from list structure of electorate). At majority system arise and communications between the candidate and voters are consolidated.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 276 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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