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Classical concepts of ideology

It is considered to be a century of classical ideologies the epoch of the Education which have generated rationalistic political thinking. It has put forward idea of progress and possibility of creation of a reasonable public order on the basis of purposes of transformation meaningly formulated by people and expected results. The possibility substantiation целеполагающей activity of people has claimed for a science about ideas in which idealistic representations about a desirable society were expressed. Ambiguity in understanding of the nature of ideal representations about the world has led to various treatments of the term "ideology".

The broad treatment of ideology is presented by T.Parsons who considered it from positions of the functional approach. He focused attention not on the nature and specificity of ideology, and on its mission in a society. Proceeding from such parcel, it interpreted ideology as system of values of the concrete society, representing itself as universal orientations of social activity.

Accordingly the ideology was considered in Marxism as system of the representations expressing radical interests of a progressive class. K.Marx's modern followers treat ideology as such system of values, which легитимирует an order of domination (K.Lenk) existing in a given society. The class understanding of ideology, in our opinion, reduces интегративные ideology possibilities, its communicative abilities to dialogue creation «the power - a society».

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 313 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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