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Concepts of political culture

Interpretations of political culture in a modern political science

Active working out of idea of political culture in the western political science has begun in the fifties XX century Authors of this idea hoped that it becomes that универсалией which will explain the nature of prompt political changes in the world and will help to prevent their negative consequences. Mass involving of wide layers before the passive population in active political activity was the global factor of world development of that time. However political participation of weights encountered low level of their political culture that generated a political tension almost in all western countries.

Saturation of material requirements of the majority of the population of industrially developed countries has caused not only their accruing variety, but also essential changes in their structure with appreciable domination of postmaterial (spiritual) values. Institutes of parliamentary democracy not always had time to react to processes of differentiation of interests and requirements that generated mistrust at the population to power institutes effectively. At last, unfortunate attempts of transferring of the western political institutes in the new independent states of Asia, Africa, Latin America, were in a situation of a choice of the forms of government, considerably made active attention to a cultural component of political development.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 270 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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