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Classical theories of elite. Selection systems in elite

The concept of elite based on supervision over real political behaviour and interactions of subjects politicians, has been created by theorists of the Italian school of political sociology: G.Moska, V.Pareto and R.Mihelsom.

This school name макиавеллистской as N.Makiavelli, having isolated a policy as independent sphere of a society, began to consider it not as area due and imaginary, and as a political reality, as to practice. Therefore the political elite is presented as the solid group possessing exclusive qualities and understanding the superiority over all others. Though resources of political domination of minority over the majority of the population the specified representatives of the Italian school name various.

In the various countries there were systems of selection inherent only in them, recruitment elite. It is possible to allocate two such systems: entrepreneur and guild system. Certainly, allocation of these systems conditionally enough as in practice it is used their various combinations. However prevalence of elements of this or that system рекрутирования allows to judge the operating mechanism of selection.

Entrepreneur (enterprise) system is focused on personal qualities of the candidate, its ability to be pleasant to people. At such system selection of candidates on imperious positions is carried out from various on a property status of groups of a society. The system is characterised by an openness, the democratism, the limited number of filters, that is formal requirements to which the candidate should answer.

16. Concept «political development». The theory of political modernization. Crises of political development

Development characterises such updatings of base parametres of the political phenomena which assume positive character of evolution of the last, that is the policy is deduced on level which allows the authorities to answer adequately time calls, effectively to operate public relations. Political development is a set of the dynamic processes developed in the given society which define changes in its political system or its replacement another, as a rule, in a direction more abilities control facilities to cope with shown requirements. Laws of political development reflect steady mutual relations between social groups and practical activities of actors in political sphere.

Political modernisation in the theoretical literature is considered as the change of political system characterised by increase of participation in the politician of various groups of the population (through political parties and groups of interests) and formation of new political institutes (division of the authorities, political elections, multi-party system, local government). Usually the concept of political modernisation is used with reference to the bodies which are carrying out transition to an industrial society and a democratic political system. In this case it is underlined that political modernisation is an importation by traditional societies of new social roles and the political institutes generated within the limits of the western democracies.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 298 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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