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Principal views of ideologies

Political ideologies differ on two bases: 1) on a sociopolitical paradigm, that is on offered model of a desirable society; 2) in relation to progress and technology of its realisation. If the first basis dismembers political ideologies on right, centrist and left (prosocialist) the relation to technologies of social changes opposes the radicals supporting constant deep revolutionary changes, to the conservatives aspiring to preservation of the established political order and consonants only on the minor alterations status-quo. Between them forces with the moderate political orientation, preferring a way of gradual reforms settle down.

The political ideologies which have arisen during an epoch of Education, differently proved idea of progress, offered various models of a society and ways of their realisation. Since then a little that has changed in this plan.

The right ideologies connect idea of progress with a society based on ideals of a free competition, the market, a private property and business. However the right politiko-social views are non-uniform. They include the whole spectrum of political ideologies from far right (fascism in all its versions, racism) to liberally-democratic.

The left political spectrum includes ideologies which see social progress in constant transformation of a society to a direction of achievement of equality, social justice, creation of conditions for an all-around development of the person. However the embodiment of values of equality and justice imagine the left differently. Communists prefer radical ways of transformation of a society, assume achievement of equality and justice in the conditions of according to plan organised economy, a priority of public property, realisation of a principle of payment «on work». Socialists and social democrats negatively concern idea of use of revolutionary means of social changes and prefer reforms. Equality and justice they treat not as equality of results, and as equality of "starting conditions», that is creation about equal social possibilities for the individuals who are starting out independent life. In it they are solidary with communists.


Historically the ideology of the liberalism which ancestors were J became the first political ideology. Lock, T.Gobbs and A.Smith. Liberalism has proved process of isolation and formation of the independent individual - the representative of arising bourgeoisie. The initial thesis of liberal ideology is position about sanctity and неотчуждаемости the natural rights and personal freedoms (the right to life, freedom and a private property), about their priority over interests of a society and the state.


Base values of the conservative political doctrine are the order, stability and традиционализм. These values result from a sociopolitical paradigm according to which the society and the state grow out of natural evolution, instead of the contract and association of citizens as supporters of ideology of liberalism consider.


The communistic ideology was generated on the basis of Marxism - the doctrine which have arisen in the Western Europe in the middle of XIX century In a counterbalance dominating then classical liberalism Marxism has formulated the doctrine about construction of a fair society in which, at last, it will be once and for all finished operation of the person by the person. In it all kinds of social alienation of the person from the power, the property and results of work will be overcome.

The communistic society is characterised by presence of the new person who has disdained material calculation and benefit, focused on moral stimulus to work which it is possible to describe formulas work for the public good there is simultaneously a work for the blessing own and descendants; in work the person is formed; work is a way of self-expression, self-realisation of the person, etc. the Most important mechanism of integration of various elements of social structure the communist party has been recognised. With a view of fuller realisation of this function of party its transformation into imperious structure, merging with the state which under its management should be replaced with system of public self-management gradually was supposed.


Unlike liberalism, conservatism and the communism, concrete social classes guided by interests and groups, the fascism leans against idea of the racial superiority, national identity and provides population integration round the purposes of national revival.

Social democratism

Along with liberalism more viable and socially effective in practice there was the ideology of social democratism forming appreciably centrist political orientation. Having arisen more hundred years ago, it was surprisingly pragmatic that has defined high vital force of its ideas, despite radical changes in the world. While many political ideologies fell into decay, the ideology of social democratism strengthened the influence in the world community. Today the social democratic ideology is the political doctrine of centrist forces though it arose as the left ideology, as one of currents in Marxism.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 223 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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