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The bases of typology of models of political socialisation

Allocation of models assumes the description of the most typical samples, standards of interaction of the individual and the power in which result the continuity of political development, transfer of political values from one generation to another is carried out. Allocation of steady samples of political behaviour of the person in which level of its political maturity is shown, independence, ability to be responsible for the political choice, is characteristic for a stage of secondary socialisation.

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Function of political socialisation. Opening ample opportunities of realisation of group and individual interests, the policy includes the person in social relations, passing on it experience and skills of converting activity, effective performance of roles and functions.

As the main competing agents of socialisation the state and a society differently influencing character of socialisation appear. The state is guided first of all by distribution among citizens of samples of conformist behaviour while the society is interested in education of the critical relation of citizens to the state, it интенциям and to possibilities to subordinate to itself of people. Competitive character of mastering of various values and standards of political life predetermines formation of various types of political socialisation of the person:

- The harmonious type prevails in the Anglo-Saxon countries and reflects normal c the points of view of psychology interaction of the person and power institutes, the rational and valid relation of the individual to the law and order, the state, comprehension of the civil duties by it. Dialogue of the individual and the power occurs in the conditions of mature democratic traditions when both the power, and the individual are attached to the standard ideals, norms and values;

- гегемонистский the type is presented by the person negatively concerning all social and political norms, except what dominate in "the" group. Such model of socialisation assumes inclusion in a policy of new generations exclusively on the basis of values of any class, religion, political ideology;

- The pluralistic type prevails in the Western Europe, it conducts to formation of the person which recognises competency of others to be guided by ideas preferable to them and freedom, to keep ability to change the political predilections and to master new valuable reference points.

- The disputed type is peculiar first of all to underdeveloped countries where poverty of the majority of the population, variety of clan, breeding, patrimonial values complicate consent achievement between the power and carriers of different values, assumes formation of the person seeing the purpose of the political participation in loyalty to the group and support of its struggle against political opponents.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 267 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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