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VIII Find sentences with modal verbs and analyze their usage


Greediness; surplus; installment; senile; ambulance brigade; tyre; guinea-pig; haemorrhage; obesity; bequest; windscreen; generosity; archbishop; perforation; indecent; carbohydrate; garage; testimonial; hypnosis; triangular; stethoscope; access; combustible; sedative; cyclopaedia; rascal; perforated ulcer; vehicle; orthopaedics; statuette; sophisticated; viva voce; specimen; neuralgia; salmon; malevolence; sample; employee; appendicitis; asylum; alimentary tract; asthmatic; stalagmite; duplicate; urine sample; cigarette; deduction; ethics; laryngitis; paediatrics; cough; varicose veins; automatically; drowsy; candidate; equipped with; thermometer; respiratory system; budget; technique; guinea; sufficient; province; canal; margarine; diagnosis; abdomen; hernia; pharmaceutical; vicar; antibiotics; infallible diagnostic instinct; supreme; limousine; flood; draught; tuberculosis; psychiatry; hysterical; psychologically; Hippocratic Oath; thoroughfare; arteriosclerosis; psychoanalyst; adenoid; millionaire; privilege; pyramid; democracy; anatomy; dial; suicidal; anaesthetic; artery; intoxicating; retina; monotone; receipt; hypnotic; Himalayan; gear; sympathetically; infertility; Alpine; sardines; Macbeth; routine; hygienic; temperament; politics; certificate; testimonial; microscope; vulgar; metabolism; subsidy; Iraq; to scowl; Tibet; biochemically; biochemistry; stingy; nylons; apparatus.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 256 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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