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Medical terms to be transcribed and remembered. Be ready to explain what they denote

After R. Gordon

Part I (p.7-20)

I Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

To long for

2. To scatter smth

3. Appeal (n)

4. To appeal to smb

5. To suppress

6. To descend

7. To obey smb; smth

8. To be unfit to do smth

9. To afford smth

10. Dignity

11. Pedestrian

12. To undertake smth

13. Obstacle

14. To grab smth

15. To stick one’s nose in smth

16. To cope with smth

17. To win promotion

18. Ward

19. To be past retiring age

20. Employee

21. Queue (n)- to queue (v)

22. To be injured

23. Grave

24. To carry the responsibilities of smth

25. Emergency case

26. To operate on smb

27. Bulb

28. Staff

29. Testimonial

Medical terms to be transcribed and remembered. Be ready to explain what they denote.





varicose veins



septic finger






examination couch

dressing drums


to suture smth

abdominal pain

hot-water bottle

dressing station


ambulance brigade


general practitioner

treatment card


II transcribe the following words:

Intoxicating, association, ethics, to associate, insanitary; pince-nez, stalagmites, St. Swithin, chauffeur, live people, anatomy, enthusiastically, therapeutic technique, infallible diagnostic instinct, female.

III Find pairs of synonyms:

Wounded, employee, go down, hindrance, long for; staff, descend; grasp; serious; injured; repress; grab; blameless; grave; yearn for; personnel; obstacle; suppress; member of staff.

IV Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. Even at the age of 14 he couldn’t get rid … his horrible habit to bite his nails.

2. It’s his first attempt to operate … a man.

3. Have a look … my new pullover.

4. Go away and never stick your nose … my papers.

5. He couldn’t afford … any rude word to slip … his tongue.

6. Children must obey … their parents.

7. While descending … the peak he lost his rucksack

8. Nick is longing … a new CD-player.

V Passages for good reading and literary translation:

P. 7 “After six years…” up to p.8 “they drop dead at forty through overwork”.

p.11 “The casualty-room at St.Swithin’s …” up to p.12 “…instinct of a St.Swithin’s employee.”

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