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Part II (p.20 –30)
I Words and word-combinations to be remembered:
1. to write and application for smth
2. at smb’s expense
3. to be a success at smth
4. to resist smth
5. temptation
6. to do without smth
7. efficient
8. to vanish
9. to be bewildered
10. odd
11. to scowl
12. malevolence
13. drowsy
14. benevolent
15. skill (n) – skilful (a)
16. on the threshold of smth
17. rural
18. remuneration
19. embarrassment (to be embarrassed)
20. vile
21. viva voce
22. prosperity
23. draught
24. receipt
25. bequest
26. crook
27. to lure smb
II Transcribe the following words and practice their reading:
Province; privilege; politics; microscope; biochemistry; Nirthumberland; candidate; routine; nylons; panel; millionaire; Iraq; Siam; clinician; guinea; sympathetically.
III Match the term and its explanation. (don’t mispronounce the words; memorize them)
1. haemorrhage 2. bacteriology 3. smallpox 4. plague 5. tuberculosis 6. sanatorium 7. orthopaedics 8. radiology 9. paediatrics 10. chronic disease 11. neurology 12. psychiatry 13. arthritis 14. apothecary | Condition in which there is pain and stiffness in the joints Study of nerve systems Study of children’s diseases Study of bacteria Profuse bleeding A long-lasting disease Study and treatment of mental illness Surgical correction of deformities in bones Pharmacist Deadly contagious disease Study of X-rays Establishment for treating chronic diseases Infectious disease (usually) affecting lungs Serious contagious disease which leaves permanent marks on the skin |
IV Find English equivalents to the following expressions. Make up your own sentences with them:
В свое время; меблированная комната; ценные предметы; ломать руки (в отчаянии); формальности; в алфавитном порядке; заслужить награду; нельзя пренебрегать; процент; столкнуться с к-л; иметь тонкий нюх на ч-л; мыть полы; своевременная кончина; в ч-л распоряжении.
V Find Antonyms to the following words:
A pauper; to appear; a fine; to pick up; malevolent; decent; employer; usual; poverty; urban.
VI Passages for good reading and literary translation:
p.21 “After a month…” up to “… determined to win the job”.
p.23 “In the train to London…” up to “…over your trousers”.
p.23 the advertisements.
VII Analyze mood-forms of the verbs in the given sentences.
1. what would you do, Doctor, if you were operating alone at midnight and suddenly produced an unstoppable haemorrhage?
2. The salary is not high, but one gets one’s reward in Heaven. - I should prefer to gain my reward here.
3. I thought I’d better get a bit of G.P. experience first.
4. this is not my true work. You would be surprised if you knew what it was.
5. He looked as if he were about to burst into tears…
6. How would you treat an old woman of eighty who went crazy on Sunday afternoon and fell down and broke both legs?
VIII Ask 10 questions covering the contents of the extract.
IX Describe: Pycraft; Grimsdyke.
Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 247 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!