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X Retell the chapters in detail

Ambulance brigade; haemorrhage; bequest; perforation; testimonial; stethoscope; orthopaedics; viva voce; malevolence; employee; stalagmite; ethics; paediatrics; varicose veins; drowsy; candidate; technique; guinea; province; hernia; antibiotics; infallible diagnostic instinct; draught; tuberculosis; psychiatry; millionaire; privilege; anatomy; anaesthetic; intoxicating; receipt; sympathetically; routine; politics; testimonial; microscope; Iraq; to scowl; biochemistry; nylons.

Part III (p.31-38)

I Words and expressions to be remembered:

1. essential

2. purchase

3. tyre

4. bonnet

5. windscreen

6. dashboard

7. dial

8. steering gear

9. brakes

10. vehicle

11. to be equipped with

12. wheel

13. chapel

14. thoroughfare

15. to be flattered

16. to tolerate

17. mean person

18. stingy

19. sophisticated

20. to slam

21. deduction (from) – to deduct

22. sufficient

23. consumption

II Transcribe the words and practise their reading:

Garage; cigarette; motorbicycle; haemorrhagic; limousine; Pyramid; monotone; hygienic; combustible; asthmatic; ataxia; margarine; sardines; alimentary tract; metabolism.

III Find the equivalents in the text and use them in your own sentences:

Не по карману, обанкротиться, запасные части, таможенник, ехать на нормальной скорости, нажать на тормоза (2), завести мотор,обработать рану, подвезти, оказать медицинскую помощь, смотреть\приглядывать за ч-л, не возражать.

IV Paraphrase the sentences using active vocabulary to parts I-III.

1. In the main street of this town one can see no cars.

2. Our country has seen a lot of scoundrels that seduce people to invest their money in a very promising and perspective business that brings immediate richness and carefree life. Those who are not experienced enough line up to leave all they have saved never to be paid back.

3. – Doctor, I’m very sorry, but the patient from room 315 declares that you are not ableto perform an operation on his tumour and he demands another surgeon.

The doctor frowned and said, “That’s enough! I can’t bear his whims any more. Let him look through the list of our personnel and at their references. He can choose whoever he likes. When he is through, let me know.

“Doctor, I think you are all competent enough to treat him, and there’s no need to follow his directions. I’ll try to persuade him but I don’t promise it’ll help”.

“Mr.Bracknell, I call for your common sense. You are the most serious case we’ve ever had in our hospital, you’re on the edge of death. I must be honest, we don’t operate on such old patients. So you can’t let yourself wait. I can assure you, our operating-room hasall modern equipment, our doctors are well qualified and besides I’ll take care of you after the operation, that’s my word.”

The patient (it’s seen that he is puzzled): Well, all right, I agree.

V Translate from Russian into English:

1. Что это за машина!? Тормоза не работают, капот не закрывается, шины спустились, да еще и лобовое стекло грязное.

2. Вам ответят на все вопросы в свое время.

3. Нельзя пренебрегать его дружбой.

4. Чтобы получить повышение, ты должен показать все свое умение, способность быстро оказывать помощь в экстренных случаях и дисциплинированно исполнять свои обязанности.

5. Бригада скорой помощи доставила больного с острой болью в области живота в отделение неотложной помощи.

6. Я не могу обходиться без обезболивающих.

7. Физические упражнения, свежий воздух и хороший сон необходимы для того, чтобы оставаться здоровым.

8. Такой процент мне не по карману. Ты меня обанкротишь.

9. Офицер, я ехал на скорости 60 км/ч и сразу же нажал на тормоза, как только увидел этого сумасшедшего!

VI Passages for good reading and literary translation:

p.33 “I swung the engine…” up to “…and water on to the roadway”.

p.37 “No, I don’t think it does…” up to “…Sufficient reward in itself’

VII Ask your fellow-students 5 questions on the contents of the chapters beginning with ‘why’.

VIII Retell the conversation between Gordon and Hockett’s wife in indirect speech.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 200 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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