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1. perforated ulcer
2. neuralgia
3. appendicitis
4. blood sample; urine sample
5. laryngitis
III Transcribe the words and practise their reading:
Automatically; canal; vicar; flood; psychologically; psychoanalyst; Etonian; democracy; adrenalin; artery; Himalayan; Alpine; temperament; vulgar; Tibet; electrocardiograph; apparatus; archbishop; hypnosis; statuette.
IV Find English equivalents in the text:
Ловить чей-то взгляд, трясти от негодования, сойти с ума, тянуть за ручку, заранее, процент с займа, быть на пороге банкротства, сказать по секрету, не замечать, делать анализ, выдержать напряжение, во всяком случае.
V Write a short story using new words, word-combinations and medical terms (10-15 sentences long)
VI Passages for good reading and literary translation:
p.53 “Over a pint…” up to “… his hair hanging over his face.
p.55 “Dr.Potter-Phipps practiced in Park Lane.” Up to p.56 “they still like manners with their medicine.”
VII Comment on the mood-forms of the verbs:
1. If you refuse to send her to hospital I’m going to the Executive Council in the morning.
2. “I hardly find it a cause for levity, Doctor.” “If you had been working for 36 hours like I have, you’d find it even less.”
3. If you don’t pay the rest in time I assure you we shall have no hesitation in taking out a summons.
4. I’m rather proud that I can judge my fellow men. I wish I could do the same with the horses.
5. As I was still wearing my blue suit which I had bought in Oxford Street, even Dr.Potter-Phipps’ good manners did not prevent a pained look crossing his face when I appeared, as though I were suffering from some skin disease.
6. I drove to the Duke of Skye and Lewis in our number two Rolls, feeling as if I were again going to an examination.
VI Agree with the statements below using the models:
a. I never discuss the money side of it. – Neither do I
b. I feel I know so little. – So Do I
1. Henry is a student. (Betty)
2. Dick didn’t see us. (Tom)
3. Jim lives in New York. (Rita)
4. The books are here. (Pens)
5. Mr.Ross plays tennis. (Mr,Dillon)
6. John doesn’t smoke. (Harry)
7. The car is old. (the house)
8. He went to school there. (his brother)
9. Meat was expensive. (vegetables)
10. The chairs weren’t comfortable. (the beds)
VII Answer the questions:
1. Who did the night call?
2. Who met Gordon when the latter came home?
3. How did Jasmine persuade Gordon to give her the pills?
4. Did Gordon keep his promise?
5. Describe the scene Dr.Hockett saw.
6. How did Mr.Pycraft’s appearance change?
7. How did the employer meet Gordon?
8. What was the situation DrGordon found himself in?
9. Describe Grimsdyke’s den.
10. Act out the dialogue between two friends. Then retell it in reported speech.
11. What made Gordon take up a new job?
12. What was the atmosphere at Dr.Potter-Phipps office?
13. What were Gordon’s new responsibilities?
14. How did Mr Potter-Phipps treat his patients?
15. Why did Dr Gordon compare his visit to the Duke with the exam?
Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 195 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!