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American American

apartment flat zero nought

flat puncture subway underground

biscuit scone underpass subway

cookie biscuit stroller pushchair

to broil to grill yard garden

change purse purse garbage rubbish

purse handbag pharmacy chemist’s

fresh fries chips candy sweets

elevator lift mail post

gas petrol jelly jam

movie film potato chips crisps

movie theater cinema schedule timetable

sidewalk pavement sneakers trainers

truck lorry trunk boot

vacation holiday fall autumn

street railway tram can tin

radio wireless baggage luggage

There are a few grammatical differences between British and American English;

1. In American English the past simple is often used to give new information or to announce a recent happening: - I lost my key. Can you help me look for it?

The past simple is used with just and already:

- I'm not hungry, I just had lunch.

- "Don't forget to post the letter" - "I already posted it".

Americans use the past simple with yet:

- I didn't tell them about the accident yet.

2. In American English the forms I have /I don't have / do you have? are more usual than I’ve e got/I haven’t got / have you got?:

- We have a new car.

- Do you have any change?

3. These verbs (burn, learn, etc.) are normally regular in American English:

burned, learned, etc.

4. The past participle of get is gotten in American English:

- Your English has gotten much better since I last saw you.


Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 381 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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