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Ex. 13. Now listen to the dialogue and answer the questions

1. Why is Norman’s mother fussing?

2. What things go to the suit case the last moment?

3. What is a label?

4. Where did Norman put his passport?

5. Who is meeting Norman at the airport?

6. When is Norman coming back?

Ex. 14. Listen and insert the missing words into the dialogues.

Mike: Oh, dear, this _______ is full. I can't find an _________ seat at all. There aren't any seats in this carriage. I must try the next carriage. This one isn't too bad and this part is almost empty. There is only one girl on this _____... Excuse me, is this seat _____?

Girl: No, I am afraid, not. That's my friend's seat but there's enough ____ here.

Mike: Oh, good. By the way, this is the Pushkin _____, isn't it?

Girl: That's right. Ah, here is my friend.

Mike: Mary! What are you doing here?

Mary: Oh, hello, Mike! This is my friend Ann. We are going to her __________ in Pushkin.

Mike: Well, isn't it funny? I'm going there too. My parents are there, actually.

Mary: Is the train __________ now?

Ann: Yes, I think so.


- Hello, Helen! You seem to have a lot of ___________ with you. Don't you want a porter for your case?

- I’d rather not. It’s not _________.

- Going far?

- All the way. I'm going to Kiev.

- Got a __________?

- No.

- You ought to have a sleeper going all the way like that. Two ______ on a train. It's no joke.


A: It took us a lot of time to get our __________ through the Customs, didn't it?

B: Oh, yes. I hate the Customs formalities.

A: Now let's forget all about it and have a good rest. Do you mind sitting in these ______-chairs?

B: Not at all. I generally prefer to stay on deck. It's always so stuffy in those _________.

A: Sure. Is this your first ________ to France?

B: No. I've been there before.

A: I'm afraid the crossing might be rough.

B: I don't think so. The sun is shining brightly and there is no wind.


Ground hostess: Your boarding _______, please.

John: Just a minute. Oh, here it is, in my pocket.

Ground hostess: Thank you. Please look after it. You'll need it again on the aircraft. Now, will you please join those __________ queuing over there?

John: Why, what's wrong?

Ground hostess: Oh, nothing to worry about. It's just our normal security __________, it won't take more than a few minutes.

John: Oh, very well then.

Security officer: May I see your hand ___________, please?

John: Yes, but do be careful. I have a vase there.

Security officer: It'll be all right. Now, will you walk between these two posts, please?

John: What is all this?

Security officer: It's a ___________ device that shows us if anyone is carrying any metal.

John: Interesting. What was that bell?

Security officer: Have you got anything in your right pocket?

John: Yes, my bunch of keys.

Security officer: May I have them, please? Now just ________ through again, please.

John: No bell. It was the keys that made it ring, then?

Security officer: That's right. Here are your keys back. Now walk down there, please, and ____ the plane.

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