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Ex. 11. Read the dialogue and dramatize it

Charles. Good old Austin. I love her. Look how she runs.

Mary. Got enough petrol, Charles?

Charles. Yes, I filled up at the service station before you were up.

James. Margaret! This is a very pleasant way of seeing the country.

Margaret. Isn't it lovely, James?

James. But expensive.

Charles. Not at all. Think of what you save on railway fares.

James. Yes, but the repairs...

Charles. They don't amount to much. Lovely road. Smooth as a billiard table. I must say our main roads are as good as any in Europe. Now where are we? Who's got the map? (They run into a small country town with narrow streets.)

Margaret. Oh, James, isn't it pretty!

Charles. One-way traffic here. I'm not quite sure of the way. I suppose we'll find the local police force in the marketplace. Here he is. (To the policeman.) Can you tell me the way to Chiddingford?

Policeman. Yes, sir. Straight on for about a mile, as far as the "Spotted Dog", then turn to the left and take the next turning to the right by the "Red Lion".

Charles. Thanks. Good morning, Sergeant. (To his friends.) I wonder, why country policemen always direct you by pubs? Now watch. I'm going to pass that lorry.

Margaret. Oh, Charles. Do be careful!

Charles. Don't get nervous, Margaret. With me at the wheel you are safe.

James. Thatwas nearly a skid.

Charles. When you've got a car of your own, James, you'll never take your foot off the accelerator. What was that? Oh, heavens! A puncture! No luck. I'll have to put the spare wheel on. Out you and admire the view.

safe - безопасный; skid - "занос", боковое скольжение; Oh, heavens! - О, боже!; puncture - прокол; spare - запасной; to admire - любоваться, восхищаться; view - вид.

Ex. 12. What is the English for:

Заправиться, вовсе нет, сэкономить на, одностороннее движение, полагаю, узкие улицы, основная дорога, повернуть налево, обогнать грузовик, будь осторожен, не нервничай, быть в безопасности, иметь собственный автомобиль,, любоваться пейзажем (видами).

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