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Ex.7. Translate the following words giving both the British and American variant

Каникулы, бензин, квартира, осень, трамвай, консервная банка, печенье, лифт, тротуар, грузовик, кроссовки, расписание, конфеты, метро, мусор, почта.

Ex.8. Read the following passage. Give some more exam­ples illustrating the differences in grammar between the two varieties of English.

Q: I thought Americans always said gotten when they used the verb get as a full verb. But you did say I've got your point, didn't you?

M: Yes, I did. You know, it's a common English belief — almost a superstition — about American us­age, but it does turn out on examination, as many other things do, that we are closer together than ap­pears on the surface. Actually, we, Americans, use got­ten only when our meaning is "to acquire" or "to ob­tain". We've gotten a new car since you were here last. Now, when we use get to mean "possess" or "to be obliged to" we have exactly the same forms as you do. I've got a pen in my pocket. I've got to write a letter.

(From A Common Language by A. H. Marckwardt and R. Quirk)

Ex.9. Dramatize the dialogue. What differences in British and American English did you find?

Before she left Great Britain Betty wanted to buy some presents

and souvenirs. So she and the others went to a store in Luton.

Roger: Why didn't you go to Mrs Harper's shop?

Betty: Well, I want to buy her and Mr Harper something, too. But I want it to be a secret.

Sheila: What are you going to buy them? Betty: A new pair of scissors.

Michael: What about your own family?

Betty: I thought a scarf for ray mother and a tie for my brother. But I don't know what to get for my father.

Roger: Why don't you buy him some cigarettes - or a new pipe?

Betty: He doesn't Smoke.

Alice: What about a new pair of slippers?

Betty: That's a good idea.

Simon: Betty, you go and do your shopping. We can meet you in hall an hour by the lift on the first floor. Betty: The lift? Oh, the elevator, you mean. Fine.

Sheila: Now we must Choose a present to give to Betty.

Alice: I know what she wants - a blouse. Orange is her favorite color

(After half an hour they went to meet Betty. But she didn't come till twenty minutes later.)

Betty: I thought you said the first floor. I've been waiting downstairs

Simon: That's the ground floor - this, is the first floor.

Betty: Oh, in America this is the second floor.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 560 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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