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Sheet metal workers

Sheet metal workers fabricate, install and maintain … from large metal sheets: roofs, sidings, air ducts, gutters, even outdoor signs are made by these highly … craftspersons.

Following detailed plans they cut, mold, bend and shape large pieces for … at a job site.

Sheet metal workers should have knowledge of drafting, reading blueprints, handling tools and welding. The job also requires standing for long periods, bending, squatting and lifting heavy materials. Some workers pick up the trade as helpers who carry metal and clear debris. However formal … is the best way to learn the craft. Local chapters of professional associations run these programs. To qualify applicants need a high school diploma or equivalent. Unlike many other construction trades very few sheet metal workers are …. People who are willing to invest the time to master this valuable craft can become respected specialty craftspersons or even the … of their own business.

9.3. Translate the phrases given below from English into your language.

§ Install and maintain products

§ To clear debris

§ Standing and squatting

§ Construction trades

§ To master the craft

9.4. Listen again and answer the questions

1. What products can sheet metal workers fabricate, install and maintain?

2. What kind of knowledge should sheet metal workers have?

3. What does their job require?

4. What is the best way to learn the craft?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 331 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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