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Environmental engineers

Just about everything we do has an impact on the environment. Measuring that …is the job of environmental engineers. They apply their engineering skills to assess the … of projected or actual human activity, from the use of off-road recreational vehicles to housing developments. They also work to manage natural … and control pollution. They’re also involved in …, waste disposal and public health issues. Many environmental engineers work as consultants helping their clients … with regulations and clean-up operations at hazardous waste sites. Usually environmental engineers have a four-year college degree. How much training they need and where they get it depends on their specialization. Their specialization also … whether they work indoors or outdoors and how much paper work they have to do. Environmental engineering is a career that combines … and creativity because both qualities are needed to find solutions to environmental issues. When this job is done well the Earth … a little protection so future generations can also enjoy its bounty.

8.3. Translate the phrases given below from English into your language.

§ an impact on the environment

§ projected human activity

§ off-road recreational vehicles

§ housing developments

§ to be involved in recycling

§ public health issues

§ to comply with regulations

§ clean-up operations

§ to enjoy bounty

8.4. Listen again and answer the questions

1. What is the job of environmental engineers?

2. What aspects of our life are environmental engineers involved in?

3. Do you think/consider the job of environmental engineers dangerous?

4. What qualities are needed for a career in environmental engineering?

5. Is it easy to find correct solutions to environmental issues?

6. How much training do specialists in environmental engineering need?

9.1 Listen to the following text.

9.2. Complete the text with the words from the box. Then listen and check.

Self-employed, skilled, owners, installations, products, apprenticeship

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 325 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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