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Computer programmers

Computers are everywhere. They’re in your car, in your VCR and in your microwave oven. And of course they are on your desktop at home, school and work. But no computer anywhere can do anything without precise detailed …. Those instructions are called “programs” and they are created by computer programmers using computer languages like Java, C++, Visual Basic, Cobol, SAS, DB2 and others. A programmer’s real skill is in …. a job down into a series of small steps and in …. problems. For example, what should a cash machine do when a customer …. the wrong password? What happens when a cellphone battery is getting low? Orwhat if a fax comes in when the fax machine is out of paper? A programmer may work on a program …. for a specific job or client or on designing or revising …. software for general use. These programs include games and educational software as well as …. for desktop publishing, financial planning, ….. or many other applications. Not surprisingly, the …. for a computer programmer is expected to grow faster than …. in the coming years. But prospects are best for college graduates with both computer training and some knowledge of the business or industry in which they hope to …. their programming skills.

5.3. Translate the phrases given below from English into your language. Then discuss your translation with your neighbour.

§ precise detailed instructions

§ breaking a job down into steps

§ cash machine

§ enter a password

§ intended for a specific job

§ package software

§ demand for a computer programmer

§ apply programming skills

5.4. Work with a partner. Answer the questions below. Write 2 or 3 sentences. Then read the answers to the class.

1. How are programs created?

2. What computer languages are used for writing programs?

3. What’s the purpose of programs?

4. What kind of programs do programmers work on?

5. Why is the demand for a computer programmer so high?

6.1.Listen to the text

6.2. Complete the text with the words from the box. Then listen and check.

communication, possible, positions, aspects, protect, able, accidents, principles, violations, public

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 257 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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