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Industrial engineers

Finding the most effective way to produce a product or a service is the job of industrial engineers. They are the …. between management goals and the work that must be done to …. those goals. They solve problems by combining production resources: people, machines, materials, information and energy. They use mathematical techniques, …. computer systems, cost analysis, financial planning, quality control and complex distribution plans to improve.... A bachelor’s degree is minimal but a master’s degree or PhD. …. more respect in a marketplace. Students who are good at problem-solving, mathematics, computer applications, science and systems analysis may want to …. this career. Although they usually work in comfortable office surroundings, industrial engineers may spend days observing problems and testing strategies in plants and …. centers. They may also travel a great deal. Experienced industrial engineers who successfully pursue opportunities and management science can rise to upper levels of strategic planning and management.

3.3. Translate the words and phrases given below from English into your language. Then discuss your translation with your neighbour.

§ to achieve goals

§ cost analysis

§ to improve profit

§ to command respect

§ good at problem solving

§ pursue career / opportunities

§ strategic planning and management

3.4. Work with a partner. Answer the questions below. Write 2 or 3 sentences. Then read the answers to the class.

1.What is the role of an industrial engineer?

2. What problems do they solve and how?

3. What qualifications are necessary for the job of an industrial engineer?

4. Do industrial engineers always work in the office?

5. Does the job involve travelling?

6. Is there any possibility for a career growth in this profession.

4.1. Listen to the text.

4.2. Complete the text with the words or phrases from the box. Then listen and check.

deadlines, software, update, interact, framework, tend, expanding, manufacturer, challenges, meet

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 237 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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