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Computer software engineers

Now that so many of us have computers we …. to take them for granted. We turn them on and we expect them to do work perfectly. But without computer software engineers we would be staring at empty screens. Most of these engineers are driven by an eager desire to learn what makes the box come to life and ideas for …. the machine’s reach. Basically ….. is to computer what programs are to television. Software is the content that you look at and …. with on a computer. With training at a career school, college or …. these engineers analyze and solve programming problems and create the …. for code writers that write the tiny steps that make up a program. They may have to work evenings or weekends to meet …. or to solve unexpected technical problems. One of the ….. for computer software engineers is to constantly …. their awareness and skills. It is essential to have a strong grasp of mathematics and the ability to follow varied details of the instructions. Software engineers also need old-fashioned communication skills so they can analyze and …. the needs of today’s computer users as well as users of tomorrow.

4.3. Translate phrases given below from English into your language. Then discuss your translation with your neighbour. Tell the class if you agree or disagree with your translations, and why.

§ to take for granted

§ driven by an eager desire

§ make the box come to life

§ expanding the machine's reach

§ create the framework for code-writers

§ make up a program

§ meet deadlines/meet the needs of computer users

§ update awareness and skills

4.4. Read the questions given below and write the answers. Read your answers to your partner. Do you agree with each other? Read the answers to the class.

1. How can you define software?

2. How do computer software engineers work?

3. Why is it important for them to update awareness and skills?

4. Where do software engineers get training?

5.1. Listen to the text.

5.2. Complete the text with the words or phrases from the box. Then listen and check.

spreadsheets, demand, anticipating, instructions, apply, intended, tools, breaking, enters, package, average

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 254 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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