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Nuclear engineers

Tremendous energy is trapped in the nucleus of a tiny atom. … that energy is the work of nuclear engineers. They search for efficient ways to capture the … of energy from a … atom and put it to use. Nuclear engineers can be found developing numerous applications for nuclear energy including power plants for consumer heat and electricity, methods for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, … of food supplies or sterilization of medical instruments and systems to power ships and spacecraft. Nuclear engineers also make sure that atom’s awesome power is used with care and that nuclear waste is disposed of safely. The … for success in nuclear engineering include strong … in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics as well as technical writing and computer programming, a creative approach to problem solving and a college degree in one of the engineering sciences is also needed. … nuclear power is used in aircraft-carriers and submarines, naval experience is also a path to this career. The majority of nuclear engineers work for public … or engineering consulting firms. Nuclear engineers have to be very responsible people who take great pride and great care in the work that they do.

7.3. Translate the phrases given below from English into your language. Then discuss your translation with your neighbour.

§ trapped in the nucleus

§ to harness the energy

§ to capture the bursts of energy

§ disintegrating atom

§ to put into use

§ to be disposed of (to dispose of)

§ nuclear waste

§ consumer heat

§ food supplies

§ applications for nuclear energy

7.4. Listen again and answer the questions

1. What work do nuclear engineers do?

2. How do nuclear engineers put to use the energy from a disintegrating atom?

3. Do nuclear engineers have to deal with nuclear waste?

4. Knowledge of what subjects does the profession of nuclear engineer require?

5. Where do nuclear engineers work?

8.1 Listen to the following text.

8.2. Complete the text with the words from the box. Then listen and check.

gains, comply, affects, impact, recycling, practicality, resources

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 297 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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