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Ex.3. Complete the sentences

1. We do not like to take these (решительные) measures, but you leave us with no alternative.

2. We really must have a remittance (обратной почтой).

3. Our (отдел кредитных операций) has just informed me of their intention to take legal action.

4. We are certain that you do not want your company’s name on that list since it would (серьезно вредит) the national as well as regional credit rating of your organization.

5. Your (игнорирование) of our previous reminders and personal telephone calls concerning your account, which (уже давно просрочен), leaves our company no choice but to serve this demand upon you for full payment.

6. We have to remind you that you have failed to answer any of our letters, faxes, telegrams, and telephone calls requesting (немедленной оплаты) of $12,000.00, which is now five months (просрочены).

7. We are disappointed that we have not received any answer from you in response to our recent faxes as well as two (заказных письма) regarding the payment of the bill for $ 10, 000.00 that your company (должна нам).

8. If your (чек на) €15,000.00 is not in our hands by July 19, your account will automatically (будет передан) to the Bernstein Collection Agency for (принудительного взимания долга).

9. We are also sure that you do not want (потерять кредитный рейтинг Вашей компании).

10. (Следовательно), we must hear from you immediately, because on May 15, 200… we will send our (квартальный отчет) to the Manufacturers’ Credit Bureau.

11. A review of your accounts shows that you (не урегулировали до сих пор) your outstanding (сальдо) of € 3,245.00, which has been on our books for the past two months.

12. As you are a (ценный клиент) who has always been (своевременно) in paying on time, we are wondering why we have not heard from you about this matter.

13. If you have any (вопросы) regarding this account, please, complete the enclosed form and return it to us.

14. The Bank of Atlanta returned this check today with the notion (Недостаток средств на счету).

Дата публикования: 2015-01-14; Прочитано: 271 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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